About eight years ago, I was asked to be in a shop with five other ladies to do what I enjoyed a lot ---"junking", reselling the junk, and selling my handmades. The location of the store was in Greenwood, MO, home to a variety of antique and specialty shops. OOOOH, I was in heaven! Not only was it a shop I wouldn't be tied to every day, as we would be taking turns working it, but it gave me a legitimate avenue to "treasure hunt".
I had to have some of the basic things in place before I could actually open my little booth space--- a business name, a sales tax number, and a checking account. I needed these so I could not only sell my "vintage treasures", but so I could "go to market" to buy other neat things to add to my booth. The name part wasn't coming easy and I couldn't proceed without it. I couldn't think of a thing I liked---and I had to come up with something FAST.
You know how sometimes inspiration just hits you like a lead balloon? It did just that to me when I was coming in the front door of my home one day. Sitting on the steps, keeping watch over our little domain, as he had for many years, was one of my favorite items---yep, a concrete bunny. He was one of the first things I purchased when we bought the house. He mainly resided on the front stoop, but he had also made appearances on the patio or on top of a table, as a festive touch to a centerpiece. On occasion he would sport a greenery wreath or a seasonal ribbon. He added lots of interest to many parts of our home. He had been out in the weather for many years and still looked strong and charming. Then it just clicked. I hoped my business would have a couple of his qualities---to stay strong and weather the storms that were ahead and to offer products that would be charming and appealing to future customers. "The Stone Rabbit" was born.
Welcome to our adventures. Dana
What a neat Blog! Enjoyed the tale of the
Stone Rabbit. looking forward to more of the Stone Rabbit adventures!
Posted by: Bonnie | April 24, 2008 at 10:36 AM
I love the picture of your "stone rabbit!"
Can't wait to see the other interesting topics you have in store for your blog.
Jill 00
Posted by: Jill | April 25, 2008 at 06:20 AM
Great writing style. Looking forward to reading more.
Posted by: Julie | April 26, 2008 at 10:55 AM
It was interesting to learn how you met Jill. Also I think your blog is full of humor. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see your patterns, I know they will be awesome.
Posted by: Bonnie | April 27, 2008 at 07:14 AM
I used to live RIGHT DOWN THE ROAD from Greenwood. Right of Hwy 150. Wowzers. Small world!
Posted by: dana | May 15, 2008 at 08:47 AM
So that's how you got the awesome name for your blog. I didn't realize you were fairly new to blogging. Welcome to blog land Dana! It is the best, and has the sweetest people ever living in it. I'm glad I found your blog too. We share a love of treasure hunting and writing. I love your writing style and can't wait to read more. I'm several chapters into my first novel No, no, not this comment, although it is longggg! LOL
Posted by: Betty Jo | May 16, 2008 at 07:37 AM
here at the beginning...(I really should hop out of here...and get back to the rooster parties!)
but I had to see how this all got started!
Love your humor and look forward to following...
(did I say this already?)
Blessings & Aloha!
Posted by: Maria Botelho | August 31, 2009 at 09:43 AM