First, a huge Thank You for all of the sweet comments about our Anniversary! It IS a big deal to be married to the same person for SOOOOOOOOO long!
For the next week Bonnie and I are really busy getting ready for our "2nd Annual Tag Sale", so I am going to make this post fairly quick as I need to start cleaning out the garage----I know my husband is somewhere gleefully clapping his hands over those words!
I love to decorate for the summer using patriotic items and these old flag prints are just about my favorite things. Vickie Hale of OLD GLORY, located in the Greenwood Antique Mall in Greenwood, MO, introduced me to them.
They make me stand a bit taller when I enter the room and look at their splendor!
My attempt at an artistic angle! Aren't they great?
Here's another item I love---GREEN FUNERAL BASKETS! Bonnie, who is supposed to be my very, very good friend, snatched one right out from under me on Saturday when we were shopping at The Strawberry Festival (an antique sale we rarely miss----I'll have a post about it soon)!! I did retaliate later, by latching on to a couple of items SHE loves to collect. Paybacks are tough!
Did I mention how I position the basket and flags right in front of the dreadful black fan? (part of the heat exchanger) I know, you can still see it peeking out.
I have a fairly large wall in the dining room where I put a wreath up for each season. This wreath is about 36"X36". I know, I'm not too hot in the wreath design department, but I tend to like "simple"----I'd say it's pretty simple! Here is a "peek" at "The Strawberry Festival" we attended on Saturday. I know, you're not seeing strawberries, but believe me, they were there! Isn't that an amazing old Victorian beauty. ? The vendors were still setting up----we like to be there early!!! It pays off. As I said, I will post about this adventure later. While I am busy, cleaning the garage in preparation for our sale, THE STONE RABBIT said he would keep Izzie (the grand dog) entertained. Although THE STONE RABBIT doesn't throw as far as I do, Izzie doesn't care. She just enjoys good company. Dana
Dana, I love your patriotism. The prints look great, and what a wonderful use for the flower basket.
And, that house is just gorgeous.
Tell The Stone Rabbit that Theodore says hello.
Posted by: Beverly | June 09, 2008 at 02:29 PM
Hey Dana!
I love patriotic decorations too in the summertime. And I LOVE funeral baskets! It's the shape I think.
Fun post!
PS You're a beautiful bride!
Posted by: Wonders Never Cease | June 09, 2008 at 05:03 PM
The flag pictures are to die for. You are my kinda girl.
Posted by: Brenda | June 09, 2008 at 05:59 PM
Good luck on your upcoming tag sale!
Your house looks so pretty! I love your patriotic decorations.
Don't sell Izzie ( or the stone rabbit!) by mistake!
Hugs, Pat
Posted by: Pat | June 09, 2008 at 07:19 PM
You're right - those flag pictures are great! You definitely have a flair for decorating - everything looks just beautiful! So how is Miss Twiggy doing? I keep thinking about her story and am just so happy for the life she is now going to have!...Donna
Posted by: An Enchanted Cottage | June 09, 2008 at 09:33 PM
Oh my gosh that mansion is amazing. How fun. I love you mantel !!! Clarice
Posted by: clarice | June 10, 2008 at 06:38 AM
Hi Dana...I am a misplaced Missouri girl. Although in just 4 weeks I get to move home! I love Greenwood and went to their garden show years back and bought a beautiful wrought iron gate. I have also been to the Strawberry Festival (found teacup napkins). My cousin used to give the tours there. One other great aunt married President Truman's nephew!
Nice to meet you!
Posted by: Jill | June 10, 2008 at 08:55 AM
I love the patriotic prints. They look wonderful on your mantle!
A Belated Happy Anniversary! What a pretty bride!
Posted by: Pat | June 10, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Love the flag displays! I also just added you to my fav blogs list...
Posted by: Jillian | June 12, 2008 at 03:05 AM
Hi Dana :)
I love the flag display on your mantel and all the patriotic things you've put out.
I still have to buy that statue! I hope it helps :)
Posted by: rue | June 17, 2008 at 03:47 PM