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June 09, 2008


Dana, I love your patriotism. The prints look great, and what a wonderful use for the flower basket.

And, that house is just gorgeous.

Tell The Stone Rabbit that Theodore says hello.

Hey Dana!
I love patriotic decorations too in the summertime. And I LOVE funeral baskets! It's the shape I think.
Fun post!
PS You're a beautiful bride!

The flag pictures are to die for. You are my kinda girl.

Good luck on your upcoming tag sale!

Your house looks so pretty! I love your patriotic decorations.

Don't sell Izzie ( or the stone rabbit!) by mistake!
Hugs, Pat

You're right - those flag pictures are great! You definitely have a flair for decorating - everything looks just beautiful! So how is Miss Twiggy doing? I keep thinking about her story and am just so happy for the life she is now going to have!...Donna

Oh my gosh that mansion is amazing. How fun. I love you mantel !!! Clarice

Hi Dana...I am a misplaced Missouri girl. Although in just 4 weeks I get to move home! I love Greenwood and went to their garden show years back and bought a beautiful wrought iron gate. I have also been to the Strawberry Festival (found teacup napkins). My cousin used to give the tours there. One other tidbit...my great aunt married President Truman's nephew!
Nice to meet you!

I love the patriotic prints. They look wonderful on your mantle!

A Belated Happy Anniversary! What a pretty bride!

Love the flag displays! I also just added you to my fav blogs list...


Hi Dana :)

I love the flag display on your mantel and all the patriotic things you've put out.

I still have to buy that statue! I hope it helps :)


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