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August 22, 2008


OHhhhhhh Dana,
You are just TOO funny! Are you a writer? If you aren't, you should be! You have a wonderful sense of humor, and you make me smile and laughOUT LOUD at least a couple times each time I read your blog. Thanks for sharing your Pink shoes story. I will look forward to many more posts from you.
Blessings, Michelle

You have no idea how this post made me laugh out loud! I worked in a large department store for 30 years and my last assignment (7 years) was in the shoe department! You brought back so many hilarious memories for me! Thanks again for your creative and funny posts!


I just KNEW this story was going to end in Pink Crocs. I am anxious myself to try a pair. Glad you didn't succumb to the torture shoes!!!

oh, what a great storyteller you are! you had me chuckling through the whole thing - too cute!

uhmm, glad you found the perfect pair of comfies, but I have to agree with the rabiit - those Alaska socks have got to go! ;)

Have a good Pink Saturday!

Hello Sweet Dana!

Just had to come to yours first because I knew it would make my day! LOL! Once again you out did yourself! LOVE ALL the PINK shoes but the fake Crocs are the best! Must get me some!

Happy Pink Saturday Dana!


I am so glad you finally came up with a pink shoe! The stone rabbit is right no Alaska socks with your faux Crocs!! lol

You had me laughing as usual. It's like being with you on your adventures when I read about your adventures in pink!! Oh, how funny you are.

I'm glad you finally found the pink shoes that fit your criteria. :) Life is good again.

Happy Pink Saturday!

take care,

LOL!!!! I actually liked the pink jeweled ones...and I have those Coach shoes in PINK!!! Maybe they will be a part of my Pink Saturday for next week. :) Glad you found exactly what you were looking for!

38 - 16 - 42 - Hut!! Go Team! Touchdown!!!!

I once purchased some pink Crocs, too. But alas, I have resorted to pink fuzzy slippers. Do you remember the Pink Saturday when I shared my pink scottie slippers? It was way back when I used to do Pink Saturday all by my lonesome. And, now look!

I do have fond memories of days when I wore heels. Ah, so sweet. Now just the thought gives me chills.

Your shoe story was a hoot.
I loved it.

you are such a good storyteller!!! This was so much fun to read. I'm so glad this story had a happy ending! I might've checked into those lace-up sneakers, myself!!

Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for making me laugh!!!!

You are really stylin in those different socks with your crocs. It would be a hoot to go on a photo/shopping hunt with you! Enjoy the rest of the weekend...

Oh, Dana! You just never disappoint me! I just loved your Pink trip to find Pink shoes!! You're such a hoot!
Be a pink sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Happy Pink Saturday. I thought those curling-up-toes ones looked okay -- kind of like an earthshoe, the kind that make you walk straighter by keeping you on your heels instead of toes.... maybe not.

and Dana, you need to email me about my giveaway.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! Your post is so much fun!

You are my new favorite blogger and I too, could not wait to see what you had in store for us and you did not disappoint again!!! I wish we were neighbors!!


Hi! your post is so fun! Happy Pink Saturday.

nice pink shoes
visit me anytime...

Dana, Your wonderful adventure in the shoe store was a real hearty laugh this morning. The crocs are a definite pink. My daughter calls fake crocs, CRAPS! She is a Fl. gator and anything to do with crocs have to be the real thing. Smiling BIG. It has something to do with crocodiles looking alot like gators. She buys her children 'craps' but they are not good enough for her. LOL

Thank you so much for your kind encouragement and prayers. I know I am doing the right thing.

Love, Jeanne

I came here first Dana just so I could start my day with laughter and you didn't disappoint! I am on the hunt for pink tennies. :)

Happy Pink Saturday!

For sure Twiggy cat stole the post!
How sweet...
~ Gabriela ~

I lol through that whole post. You made the right choice! although those alaskan socks.......

You always have the most adorable posts! I love how Twiggy gets involved to...being a cat lover it touches my heart!

Happy PINK!

OH, Dana...another fantastic, rip-roaring-laughing post! Why are we not surprised you ended up with Croc-look-a-likes?! ;o) Have to say I love those pink "torture device" stilettoes...but only to stand in, couldn't possibly walk in such things *SIGH* I just love how Twiggy & Izzie are always there to help you...bless 'em! :o) Happy weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

Ha ha too funny! Have you ever thought about writing a book? It would be a best seller!
Have a great pink day wandering around in our pink, comfy, cheap, stylish, and warm shoes.
Cori G.

Good Morning Dana, You can NEVER go wrong with "CROCS"!!...especially if they are "pink"!...Heidi XO
P.S. Please remember to e-mail me your address for the Halloween Swap! :)...thanks!

I love reading your posts! They are so funny. As I was reading, I was thinking Crocs the whole time. I guess great minds think alike!

Hi Dana, you had me laughing in my seat! That was a great story! I think the funniest part is that we can all relate to your story! But, the pink crocs, they are the best!
Love, Ann

I LOVED your shoe story! Too funny! Actually, I like the turned up toe shoes. Glad you found the perfect pair for you!

My favorite are in the 6th piture down.Kinda plastic-ish...love it!
Happy Pink Saturday!

LOL! All those shoes looked like torture devices to me, with the exception of the crocs!

Great post Dana!

Have a great weekend!

Hugs, Pat

I bought a pair of of crocs two years ago, during the summer, for working in the yard. They wash so well, just throw 'em in the machine! When summer was over, I continued to wear them, just throw on some thick warm socks, and they'll get you through winter, too. The only down side is that you will never want to wear any of your other shoes!

Ha Ha Ha....I love my pink crocs. I don't think I could totter around in a pair of pink high heels if I tried!

Too funny! Shoes, shoes and more shoes. Love them!

Hee hee, now you know all the warmth is going to ooze right out of those holes, right?

Gads you're hysterical! :)

I know there are people out there who hate socks. Poor souls. There is nothing more comfortabale than socks when it is cold outside. Yes, I wear socks with my clogs. I know all the magazines put it in thier "what not to wear" section and I am okay with that. I'm going for yellow. I have these polka dot socks that have green dots and little frogs..oh yeah! Perfect!

Love this story about finding the perfect pink shoes! Though I can't wear really high heels, I would have drooled over those pink stillettos with the buckles in the front! I scrolled through to find your other pink posts, and don't know how I've managed to miss you the last couple weeks as your posts are so much fun! I especially love that pink roller party!


I'm sittin' here laughing sooo hard..I was with ya every step of the way on this hunt for Pink. You are such a riot!

I'm so glad BJ sent me over here! You are just too dang funny! I enjoyed every word and picture of your marvelous story!

This was the cutest story! So funny! Although I imagine very frustrating for you at the time. Love the "crocs". Can't wait for Brenda's tour tomorrow. Patti

All's well that ends well!

Unbelievable, wonderful, exciting story - but I love the pink stilts !!! Happy Pink Saturday and I do like your clogs.

You are a trip, girl!
Love the pink faux crocks! Wish I could find some for $6!

You know, I am a smiler and silent laugher - not so today, I actually did laugh out loud. I don't know why - you found the secret. Wish I could close up shop and "hang with you". Sharleen

Oh Girlfriend...you are a "hoot"!!


Hilarious post! When I got to the part about the elf shoes I laughed out loud. :)

LOVE the pink crocs (mine are boring brown!)!! As always, your Pink Saturday posts never disappoint!!...Donna

Hi Dana :)

This made me relly laugh! I'm getting to that age where anyone under 30 annoys me to death LOL

I loved the butterfly post. That woman was so cute with that butterfly on her head :)


I love your PINK SATURDAY posts!!! This one is so adorable. What a clever idea. Thanks for taking the time this morning to leave me a comment. Typepad and Blogger have a communication problem. Typepad on leaving a comment and blogger on leaving Typepad. Thanks again. Karen

How could you possibly leave those quilted pink patent flats???I'm not a crocs fan but everyone at the orthopedic office wears crocs so they must be good for your feet and of course pink crocs - they're also good for your "SOUL"! Hugs, Nancy

Oh my gosh! I've found another Pink lover!!! And I just LOVE my crocs!

I'm going to come back often!

Oh my goodness! I have got to learn to have an empty bladder when I read your posts! Too funny! Thanks for the laughs. :)

That was hysterical. I thoroughly enjoyed your hunt for pinky, comfy, cheap shoes.

Glad you found what you were looking for and that for the most part, Stone Rabbit approved.


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