I found Susanne's Blog, LIVING TO TELL THE STORY, through one of my favorite bloggers, Ellen of THE HAPPY WONDERER ( a Pink Saturday buddy).
Susanne hosts a wonderful spot each Friday where bloggers can link on and share five of their "favorites" from the week. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to help me remember and appreciate the small, but important, happenings that help compose my life.
My car tags were expiring the end of this month. I dreaded getting all of the paperwork together, just to go stand in an endless line to complete the process.
However, much to my amazement, as I entered the Department of Revenue I realized I was only the SECOND person in the area who needed help with licensing cars (unfortunately for the poor schmucks who needed their drivers license renewed there were lots of them and few clerks to assist.)
Yes, indeedy, it was a moment to appreciate. The COURTEOUS lady who helped me with my new tags had me in and out in about two minutes--she must've set some kind of a record !!
I told her I wished I had my camera with me, cuz I was doing a post on Friday about five favorite things from my week and I would have LOVED to have made her #1! I don't know if she knew what I was babbling about, but she said "thank you".
Of course, I DID have my camera in my car, so as I was leaving the parking lot, I snapped this photo through my dirty windshield! It was a lovely sight to behold! Yes, I was attracting some looks from a few folks who were walking in to the building. I hollered out to them that it was their lucky day and how we have one of the most wonderful DORs in the entire state of MISSOURI! I think they must've thought I had a couple of screws loose! Their looks, however, made that great experience even greater! :)
On another day, I was out and about running errands and was stopped at a super busy intersection. As I sat at the red light and looked across the street I saw this person working to attract customers to a local tax service. Decked out in a sad looking "Statue of Liberty" outfit, she didn't just wave at the motorists---she was dancing and moving and singing and really getting into the business of being seen. Her upbeat approach to her job certainly brought her a lot of attention as she was receiving lots of little toots from car horns. I can tell you, she put a smile on my face!!!
I received a pretty good lab report from my doctor this week. I am trying very hard to "undo" some of the damage done during my less than healthy eating over the recent Christmas holidays.
I found a recipe for Baked Fish With Tomatoes on Tara's blog, DAYS MISSED ON A HAMMOCK. I want to add more fish to our diets, so I was anxious to try her recipe!
My hubby and I both enjoyed Tara's dish (I used cod) this week, along with steamed broccoli and cauliflower and some roasted potato wedges. Hmmmm. . . . I feel SO much healthier already! :)
I am a procrastinator.
I especially procrastinate when it comes to distasteful chores such as filing quarterly sales taxes, paying charge bills, and completing paperwork in general.
I always feel like the weight of the world is lifted (for just a little while) off my shoulders when I can finally get the pesky forms filled out, checks attached and envelopes in the mail.
Finally, we enjoyed two wonderfully warm days this week.......a rarity for January in Missouri.
The sun was shining brightly and even THE STONE RABBIT and Izzie couldn't get enough of the weather gift. THE STONE RABBIT told me he had noticed a few blades of grass struggling to be green!! That made his day!
Be sure you visit Susanne's blog for others who have Friday Fave Fives to share!!!
Good morning Dana! I'm so happy you joined in on Fave 5's. I'm always delighted to read your adventures and it's nice not to be restricted to "Pink" :0)
Wow 2 minutes at any government office is a miracle. We've been trying to eat healthier around here, too. I even made fish last week...or was that the week before. I get that same sense of relief when I finally get around to the "paper work"
I'm happy you got some sunshine this week.
Posted by: ellen b | January 23, 2009 at 07:01 AM
You had some great "favorites" throughout your week. My week was quite nice also and it even hit a sunshine-y 80 degrees yesterday. The temp. is dropping again though today...brrrr again! I think taking the time to stop and appreciate things is wonderful.
Posted by: Darlene | January 23, 2009 at 07:03 AM
We did have some warm weather as I had posted about previously. But now it is turned cold and rainy. Not raining right now, but I think it is supposed to rain some more. We do need the rain.
Posted by: Linnea | January 23, 2009 at 07:29 AM
Hi Dana~ I enjoyed reading your 5 favorites for the week! I am a procratinator too when it comes to paperwork and bills! It's just no fun!
I hope you have at least 5 more favorite events/things this weekend!
Posted by: Kim V | January 23, 2009 at 07:37 AM
Congrats on your speedy service at the DOR - it was your lucky day! Sounds like you had a pretty nice week.
Posted by: Robyn | January 23, 2009 at 07:50 AM
Hi Dana and welcome!
What a fun list. Too bad you couldn't snap a picture of the peoples faces at the DOR. LOL. Too fun. I'm lovin the Liberty lady who knows how to have some fun.
Posted by: Susanne | January 23, 2009 at 08:23 AM
Great list, I love the picture of the lady in the Statute of Liberty costume. I saw the same thing here, I think it is for Liberty Tax Service, but that dancing guy(we had a guy) in the Liberty get-up does attract attention. Don't you just wonder how much he gets paid! :)
Loved all your creative pictures, and yes it is nice to "meet" you also.
Posted by: Sandy | January 23, 2009 at 08:36 AM
Good morning Dana, your comment this morning made me smile. I am truly enjoying my uncluttered time right now.
I enjoyed your favorite five today. That is just a fun thing to do. I have to consider that. I can't let Deborah down though. Plus I do love photo day. I could do both if I don't get too wordy. Smile!!!!
You did run into some luck getting your car tags so fast. And I can just hear you telling strangers it was their lucky day. I talk to perfect strangers all the time. I think we are quite a bit alike.^_^
The Statue of Liberty girl might be alot like us too. LOL.
We still have snow and we still can't get up our driveway. Bill took the truck today. Our car is still at the bottom of our road. The weather is supposed to be in the 50's for the next few days but at night it is freezing temps. Our drive is shaded by trees and won't melt completely. We are getting salt today.
See you tomorrow Dana.
Posted by: Jeanne | January 23, 2009 at 09:07 AM
What a sweet list of fives! I think if I had to pay taxes (versus getting a refund), I'd procrastinate too! But good for you for getting that stuff out of your hair.
Posted by: nikkipolani | January 23, 2009 at 09:12 AM
Hi Dana! Loved reading about your favorites this week. Great post and so glad to see Stone and puppy catching some rays!
Be a sweetie and thanks for the visit,
Shelia ;)
Posted by: Shelia | January 23, 2009 at 09:36 AM
What a great list! I smiled at how happy you were to get your tags so quickly. I've got to admit that in my state, they get me in and out quickly too! I've just forgotten to be grateful about it! Thanks for reminding me.
Posted by: Jerri | January 23, 2009 at 10:02 AM
Hello there, Dana! I can honestly say that this is the first time I've seen the DMV on a favorite things list! Happy Friday! xo Cat
Posted by: Cathy Santarsiero | January 23, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Hi Dana...thank you for the phone fob...it is really cute. I love your pic of the statue lady!
Posted by: Ceekay | January 23, 2009 at 03:46 PM
Those are definitely 5 great things. I wish our weather would give us a break...and I'm pretty sure our grass is permanently WHITE!!!
Posted by: nikkicrumpet | January 23, 2009 at 04:36 PM
I enjoyed your favorite five. Most days we can all find at least five things to be thankful for, small or large. I hadn't heard about the Friday Fave 5, so will have to check it out. I listed more than five things today I'm very thankful for. We had a warm day today too and it was wonderful! Just one more thing I'm so thankful for. Makes me want spring to arrive. xoxo
Posted by: Betty Jo | January 23, 2009 at 04:39 PM
Those are all wonderful things to be thanksful for this week!
I have to put my sales tax together too! YUCK!
See you on Pink Saturday!
Posted by: Donna Collins | January 23, 2009 at 04:49 PM
Fortunately for me my husband pays the bills and I'm lucky if I remember to go mail them out! I like to go out in the garden and just "soak" in the small beautiful little things that make me smile. And the worries in the world melts away.
Posted by: Brenda Kula | January 23, 2009 at 04:58 PM
Dana, received the phone fob today and it is already attached to my cell. Thank you so much. Also, what a surprise to see a pic of the Stone Rabbit enclosed. He is one handsome dude.
Sandy in Nebraksa
Posted by: Sandy | January 23, 2009 at 05:28 PM
What a great post Dana~I so enjoyed it! I think it is so important that we count our blessings great and small! I smiled when I read your post, I really needed that-so I am grateful for that!Have a wonderful weekend!~Smiles~Tam!
Posted by: Tam | January 24, 2009 at 02:07 AM
What a fun blog you have. Thanks for stopping by my blog. The dancing statue of liberty does it for me :-)
Posted by: [email protected] | January 24, 2009 at 04:12 AM
I'm jealous that you had warm weather! It's about 30 degrees here today!
Posted by: Jada | January 24, 2009 at 01:15 PM
It has been awhile since I hopped over to see you & the Stone Rabbit. As always you made me laugh! I love your sense of humor. And good luck with that healthy eating. NO FUN!
Posted by: Charlene | January 28, 2009 at 11:31 AM