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June 30, 2009


Happy 4th to you, Dana...
xo bj

I so remember these posters when I was growing up--they always scared me a little :)

Poor Stone Rabbit... he looks "stunned" by Uncle Sam! Yikes!

happy 4th Dana... I know you'll do some zany and fun... can't wait to see just what! LOL

Good one Dana! ☺ Diane


I always look forward to seeing what the Stone Rabbit is up to!!! hehehe

Great post!

Happy 4th of July!


I would love to sign up and take out a few politicians.

WW Fun,

Dana, I love that poster and I remember it,,,tells my age.

Happy WW.


Howdy Happy Wednesday to you .Happy Red,White and Blue.
Blessings to you and yours.
Have a very Happy Fourth Of July .
Happy Trails

God bless all our military men and women.


Check out my Christmas in July giveaway each week on my holiday blog at printersdevil72.blogspot.com

The first giveaway will be July 1 at midnight.
My Playing Dishes blog will also host a CIJ event a little later.

Poor TSR is having visions of himself in fatigues. ;-)

I see visions of fireworks in our future. You are the best. Thank you.

Bet the Stone Rabbit could make responsible decisions in our government because our politicians don't seem to be listening to us. Happy 4th of July.

I always liked those Uncle Sam posters.

Happy 4th!

Dana, have you been to any of the drive in movie theaters in KC/Indepence/Blue Springs?

We will be at the Royals game on Thursday!

Get that Stone Rabbit a stone wife so he won't be drafted! Oh wait...that was back in the sixties. LOL

Nice! I think this poster affected a lot of people, my dad was a solider for 23 years!Happy 4th!

Still today it makes you think what can I do for my country! Have a great 4th!

Wonderful...where do I sign up?!!! Happy 4th!!!

Have a wonderful WW!!!

That Stone Rabbit always has the right accessories! :)

Great post.

Happy 4th of July, Dana!!

Hope you and the Stone Rabbit have a wonderful 4th of July!!!

I must say, those are the most interesting "pinks" ever!

You are one funny gal...loved the post.


Dana, Dana, Dana!
I always thought I was a good grandmother, but, girl, you've got me beat!

What a wonderful party you made for the grandgirl! She will love you forever!

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