Tuesday was the day we'd all been looking forward to!!!! THE TEXAS TENORS would be making their appearance in the semi-final round of "AMERICA'S GOT TALENT"!!! As I've mentioned in a previous post (click here) , one of the TENORS, JC, is a friend of my son and daughter-in-law's.
THE STONE RABBIT was eager to support JC and the other two TENORS, so he made a little sign and hopped up and down our street for hours. He said several of our neighbors told him they'd been cheering for the group in their earlier appearances on the show and they would be sure to vote for them again after their performance that night!!
When the show came on Tuesday evening, I headed to my little office and settled in with Twiggy to watch THE TENORS!! They were the second act and they were WONDERFUL!!!
THEN tonight, came the RESULTS show!!!! Of the ten acts who performed last night, only four would advance to the finals!!!!
OOOOOOH, it was tense!!!
THE TEXAS TENORS were in the very first group to hear the results.
They were waiting and . . . .
Twiggy was waiting and . . . . .
then the words we'd all been so hoping to hear came at last. THE TEXAS TENORS were going to the finals!!!!
THE STONE RABBIT was so excited, that he started hoping up and down causing the TV to shake....that's why the picture looks blurry! :)
How exciting for THE TEXAS TENORS!!!
I did tell THE STONE RABBIT he needed to correct his little sign before he goes out on his next trip to support the group.....and he promptly took care of it!!!
Yes, his sign says it all....we do love THE TEXAS TENORS!!!!
Saw them tonight and was thrilled they made it into the finals! I'll be cheering them on all the way!
Posted by: Jean | September 02, 2009 at 08:29 PM
i was cheering for them tonight too! how exciting!!
Posted by: heather | September 02, 2009 at 08:36 PM
Great that they made it through to the finals!!!!
Posted by: Irene | September 03, 2009 at 02:27 AM
I haven't heard them - - - maybe I'll go search for them on You tube.
I do know that KNOWING someone in a show like that makes a HUGE difference. I knew someone in a show like that a while back and couldn't wait to watch for him!
Posted by: Indiana Keetha | September 03, 2009 at 04:48 AM
I just knew they would become one of the finalist ~ they are too good not to be selected. Tell TSR he needs to borrow your computer to cast his votes too :)
Posted by: Sandy | September 03, 2009 at 05:47 AM
Hi Dana, hurray, they made the finals. I was watching too and got so excited for them. Your photos are so cute. That Twiggy is adorable. So are your slippers and FEET! Big smile here. Your post is terrific. We need the stone rabbit to solicit some votes in your neighborhood for the next performance. He is a 'can do' kind of rabbit. LOL.
Is this your big shopping weekend? If so I hope you find some treasures to sell.
Love ya, Jeanne
Posted by: jeanne | September 03, 2009 at 10:26 AM
Dana, they were GOOD! I really liked their song, it was my mom and dad's song! I didn't think they were cheesy at all!
Posted by: Terri Steffes | September 03, 2009 at 11:14 AM
We voted for them and are happy they were selected to move up. We have 3 phone numbers, so we maxed out our 10 each votes per phone. We'll do it every time they are on. YEE HAW!
We ALSO love the Stone Rabbit!
Betty in Oklahoma
Posted by: Betty G. | September 03, 2009 at 08:10 PM
Hi Dana, just checking up on you. You must be on a buying binge and I bet you are exhausted. Hope you are having good luck and finding lots of neat stuff.
Love ya, Jeanne
Posted by: jeanne | September 04, 2009 at 08:27 PM