October 29, 2009


I would have never known the Stone Rabbit was under that costume if you hadn't shown us....lol. Twiggy is so cute having to get into the photo. Hope you and your family have a fun Halloween!....BOO!!

lol, too funny!

Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle... Those teeth made his costume!
They look kinda like Mr. Ed's toofies! Did anyone else call teeth this when you were a kid or had kids? or am I just weird?
ok, don't answer that...


I think he looks like a horse with one o those face covers on!!! I LOVE it.

Stone Rabbit, you are quite the dashing fellow.

His smile is so contagious...made me smile :)
Have a Happy Halloween - especially the grand girl.

Love the ghost costume. ....Your cat looks like my tabby

How darling, he always has great ideas for himself, you are so lucky to have him.

Happy Halloween!

LOL! thanks for the smiles this morning Dana... I can always count on you! (and the Stone Rabbit!)

hugs. Dixie

Love The Stone Rabbit's costume, Dana!
Will he be Trick or Treating tonight and Sat at your booth? Hope to see you this eve!
Thanks for posting on my blog and all of your lovely comments- they mean alot!
Sharyn. :-)

Are you being a cheapskate Miss Dana? Poor Stone Rabbit. I bet he really wanted a glitzy classy far out kind of costume, but no... he got a piece of felt and a marker. lol I'm sure he just wanted to make you happy. lol
Cute as a button.
Did you hear I might be going to meet Jeanne? and stay in her neat little guest cottage? It's my birthday in March and I'm heading South. Yeah!!!! and I'm meeting Mrs. Magpie and hopefully other fine ladies.
Happy PS Dana
Love Claudie

Hi Dana; My goodness; the Stone Rabbit looks so spooky in his costume... you both did a great job on making it... I love the Pink Trick or Treat sign, very cleaver indeed.. Now you have a safe and fun Halloween Stone Rabbit,,umm Mr. Ghost...


Love the smile! Happy Halloween!

Love it! I bet the Stone Rabbit gets lots of candy....did he have a trick?

So cute!!

Happy PS and trick or treat..

I am sure it is all about treats,laughing and blessing others at your house?!!!

Hopping Halloween time:)

A happy halloween to you all! Cute costume for the Stone Rabbit...


Happy Pink BOO Saturday!


ha ha! cute idea!!

Happy Halloween and Happy Pink Saturday!
Chris Verstraete
Searching for a Starry Night, A Miniature Art Mystey - bff's, a missing mini painting and a nosy Dachshund = a fun kid's mystery!

How very cute. Stone Rabbit is all set for Halloween and Pink Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Halloween!

What a fun post!

~ Gabriela ~

Welll he makes for a HOPPY

Stone rabbit is just quite the handsome guy. Even his costume could not hide that. Your posts are so cute..I'm not kidding, you should write a childrens book. Happy Pinks and have a Happy Halloween.

I've been out of town and away from my computer, so I scrolled down to visit your previous Pink Saturday post as well. As always you are so clever. Each of your post made me smile. Thanks for sharing! ~ Sarah

Hi Dana, the stone rabbit is a terrific ghost. How do you think up these fun posts?? You should write stories. Twiggy doesn't look very interested but she sure is cute.

We are in Jax, FL. for the football game. Florida/Georgia, a real rivalry. I hope we win.

I am spending the week with my daughter. She is our youngest daughter. We always have fun together. Next weekend is another game and Bill will come back here for the game and we pick up our puppy on the way home. We saw her on Friday on our way down to Fl. She is sooooo cute. I will post her current photo next week. We are in love!!!

Happy Halloween my friend.

Hugs and love, xoxo, Jeanne

That's the Stone Rabbit??? I never would have known! He's a scary ghost!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Rolling on floor laughing at Stone Rabbit being a ghost. You certainly have a sense of humor. Happy Halloween!
Joyce M

I love it!!! I hope he shares his goodies with you.
Mary Lou

What a cute bunny. He's so accommodating and loves his new costume. Tell him I said hello.

I posted my first Pink Saturday on my blog and the response has been wonderful. Come on over and visit me.

I'll be back to visit you and Mr. Rabbit!

I bet you are glad the weekend is over. I love the Santa's you made for the craft sale. Hope to see you at John Knox.

Can't wait to hear about War Eagle

Now that's clever! I would have made an idea for the costume so complex that it'd never turned out or been finished in time! Good Pink Saturday to you! Hope Stone Rabbit didn't scare the trick-or-treaters too much! Suzie

The Stone Rabbit should have hopped on over to my house! I'm sure I could have gave him some carrot cake as a special treat for his creative costume!!
I hope you all had a HOppy Halloween!

Boo! TSR gave me a fright! I never realized he could be so scary.

And, my poor Theodore didn't get to dress up for Halloween. I hope he isn't feeling rejected.

Happy Pink Saturday, Dana. How was your Saturday?

Oh Dana, Dana, Dana You are cracking me up girl. I am so glad I waited to visit you until this morning as it truly stood apart and made my day. What's not to love about the stone one? Hope you monitored his sugar intake. He could be a feisty little handful with too much of a candy thing going on! Hugs, Mollye

I just love the thrifty way of making costumes! Some of my favorite and most successful costumes were homemade. The S.R. looked great!


So cute!!
Happy Pink Halloween!!!

Dana, you crack me up!
Love the Halloween costume you made for the Stone Rabbit!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday! (better late than never!)

LOL and away Mr. Rabbit goes . . . or is it float?


(oh, and I bet his friends didn't recognize him too :-) )

Good morning Dana, just stopping by to say hello and how are ya! The Gators won their game. Go Gators.

I know you are soooo busy so please stop and get some rest girl. I remember how exhausting it can be.

Hope all is well with you and yours my friend.

Love and hugs xoxo, Jeanne

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