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January 29, 2010


As I told you last week, you should put these stories in some kind of storybook form. This is a great story of friendship and kindness with just a touch of humor. Are you sure you're not a great kiddie lit writer in disguise?

Loved "Fenton"!

I love your pink bird! she's beautiful :)

We have actually had sun flitting in and out between the clouds and snow over the last few days too. It has been LOVERLY - - - but not very warm.

I LOVE the new little pink birdie that has come to visit with Stone Rabbit!!!!!

Awww, what a cute pink friend. I have a pink bird too...not Fenton, but cute. You will see it soon! I finally got out the Valentine stuff!!

I see you and the Stone Rabbit found my Fenton. He just keeps getting lost! LOL This is too cute and he is GORGEOUS. Come over to my blog and sign up for the deal I'm doing (if you want to). Guess that sounded a little bossy But it sounds like fun. You could do it on your blog. I forgot to sign up for PS so I'll be all alone tomorrow.:( sniff.
xoxo Lonely Nan

Oh, such a sweet tale. I so love that pink rabbit! Guess I'm takin' a liking to little Fenton now too. LOL!

Love the stone rabbit's pink glasses. Too Cool! And he was such a nice friend to help Fenton out.
I'm glad they are friends.


Love your story of the pink bird and the Stoned Rabbit. They along with the cat make stange bedfellows, but they look good together.


Two hearts become friends.

But, I wonder if Little Pink Fenton meant to come to my house. ;-)

Happy Pink Saturday, Dana. Now rush over to leave me and Kelee a comment for a wonderful effort of Colette.

Happy Pink Saturday!

You always have the funniest and unique stories!

~ Gabriela ~

Just love your stories! I would be happy to take that pink bird off your hands!

Very, very engaging story today. Twiggy Cat has made the window sill quite crowded :-). I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Happy Pink Saturday Dana...
Oh sweetie, I so love this post. Stone Rabbit has now found a little "pink" Fenton and Twiggy even got in on the picture today. I loved the little scarf that you made for Fenton. So beautiful. You do such great work sweetie. I love to come and read and enjoy. Thank you for the "Happy Heart" today. I can always rely on you for that when I come on Pink Saturday.

Hope you all stay warm there today. We are already at 62 and climbing. It will be another beautiful day in the desert.

Country hugs and so much love...Sherry

Hi Dana...Happy Sunny Saturday! I have not started my work out routine (yikes! I have to be in a swim suit in 2 wks)and may never if I bake those brownies! Thanks for the receipe! Yes, I have been to Hobby Lobby...nice to have it so close. I live down the street a little from you, but would not make the walk home! LOL

You truly know how to weave a good story Dana. I adore your pretty pink birdie. We had five inches of snow last night and it is now snowing again. I'm sooooo ready for some of that sunshine in your first photo. Beverly is great at organizing, you're good with tools; I just need the two of you to come and stay with me for a while! ♥

Hi Dana, glad that Stone Rabbit enjoyed the sunny day and made a sweet, new friend. Cute! Happy Pink Saturday.

Another great post. Don't feel too bad as the weather here in the Buffalo area is much like yours! You just never know what you're gonna get!

Happy Pink Saturday,

Hi Dana; AWWWW what a sweet little Pink Fenton bird.Love the cute photos of them,how nice that they all get along... Happy Pink Saturday


Dana, once again I love the tale of the Stone Rabbit and the sweet Pink Fenton with the guest appearance by Twiggy Cat. You really should, as others have said, think about putting together these stories and photos and see about getting them published.

Have a wonderful Pink Saturday - and an even better week.


Twiggy Cat is so cute and she looks like her heart is a bit warmer than those other guys.

Dana, what a sweet little story and pictures! Little Fenton is a cutie. :-)
I agree that you should compile a little book of some kind. These stories of the Stone Rabbit are precious. Thanks so much for the visit today. many hugs, Sue

I ♥ to come here on Pink Saturday. Your blog is always so sweet and comforting. Cold and gloomy winter up here this year so Pink Saturday is one day I can always count on for a little pink ray of sunshine.

I am NEVER disappointed when I come to see you here on your blog. Your kind heart and gentle stories always touch me in some way. Add to that your delightful sense of humor and you have a pretty nice package, yes, you do☺

Thanks for being my pink sunshine today☺

Wishing you the comfort and warmth of those you love this weekend.

I love stopping by to read the adventures of the Stone Rabbit and her friends. Glad to hear everyone is safe inside and staying warm.

I'm still visiting my list of Pink Saturday posts. Wishing you a wonderful week.

Fun post! We have snow on the ground.. about 2 inches. It was fun until I had to drive in it. Jeff City cleans their roads well so that is good.

this is so adorable and you really should write children's books. I was wondering as Stone Rabbit wore those glasses in your front yard, I wonder what you neighbors are thinking. They must get such a kick out of you. Your new bird is lovely. Pink of course.

What a hoot! Love the Pink sunglasses on Stone Rabbit.
Joyce M

wow, Pink On Rabbit,
What Beautiful Habit,

Outstanding blog.
Cutest Post.

I was just imagining your neighbors watching you photograph the dear Stone Rabbit with his bright pink glasses. :) Boy, this has been on cold, snowy year! We are grateful to have moved south, but there have been record cold temps down here.

Thanks for the shout-out at my blog.

Hi Dana, banana, hooray, I'm back. Three days without the net was not fun. I now realize how much I enjoy blogging and visiting my friends. I missed you.

The stone rabbit is very wise to pick Fenton for a friend. She is pretty in her glimmering pink. You have a way with telling a story. I always love to visit you my friend. Fenton found a wonderful place to live. Where are you going to display her. Twiggy is a very curious cat huh? She is a pretty cat too.

I shared some Cheri' pics today. She is so adorable and smart. I sound just like a parent don't I. HA!. She IS our baby.
In fact she is trying to jump in my lap right now. Oops she just jumped up on the computer. quick action on my part saved her from writing some words with her feet. Laughing.

I better give her some attention. Yes, I am throwing you over for the pup. LOL.

Have a great day. I hope you didn't get too much of the white stuff.

Love, Jeanne

Darling saga of Pink Bird and Stone Rabbit. How nice that Twiggy joined in with them ;)
Really, the Fenton bird is super pretty :) Happy Pink Saturday to you all~

Oh Dana! This was so cute to read! You really should write a children's book ..you have such a sweet way of presenting a story in pictureds and words. I hope you make a book of these posts for your grandchildren in the very least.

Happy pinkness!

Hugs, Pat

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