February 11, 2010


Morning Dana,

I am so sorry you have the crud. I hope you get feeling better quickly. I LOVE your Love banner. I think you did a fabulous job. Of course, it was all possible BECAUSE of Twiggy's supervision....lol.

Guess what???? It is snowing away here today. In Southern Oklahoma we are expected to get between 3 and 6 inches of snow. It has definitely been some crazy weather this year. I do actually love the snow though so bring it on.♥

I'm also sending you some virtual chicken soup and cornbread and some hot tea....YUM. You should feel better soon.♥

I love your love letters! wonder if I can get nancy to send me that pattern... beautiful!

glad you're feeling a little better...

Hi Dana, for having the crud, you did a fantastic job. I adore what you did and there is no way in the world I could do this. A Labor of LOVE. I laughed when I saw Twiggy's tail. She is the sweetest cat. I love her sweet face. I think the stone rabbit was the best recipient for the heart necklace.

I hope you feel better soon. I have no new news of Beverly. Did you go to her post today?

Love, Jeanne

Stone Rabbit is a wonderful Valentine decoration! Great job on the banner,....hope you feel better soon!

I think you did a wonderful job on your banner even being sick. I love the music idea.
Now go get under you blankie and have the Stone Rabbit bring you some tea and toast. You need to take it easy!!:) So sorry you're not feeling well.
I hope you feel better real soon.
Take care!

Linda C

Dana... so glad the typepad problem is fixed!

Nancy emailed the pattern to me... Baby Girl will be here tomorrow nite. Her beau goes to school in Austin, she in Dallas...they'll meet here at home for a weekend "rendevous"... maybe he'll let me have her long enough to do a little clothes shopping and banner making...

I just love the way you used the music sheets! I think baby girl will too...she is a theater major at school...

hugs. Dixie

You are so clever! You make me feel all thumbs. I hope you're feeling better. Blessings...Mary

Like you, I am not feeling my best, and I've decorated a tiny bit. Unlike you, my decorations look yucky, like I feel. Yours looks fantastic! Have a great day!

I love this post, Dana.

Hope you are feeling better!

Wish I had a kitty. I don't know how Miss Molly would feel about that, but I can guess!;-)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi Dana - I LOVE your banner. Now I want to copy yours with the music because it looks just wonderful. I hope you are getting better - how awful to have the crud for so long. Snuggle down, rest and let the Stone Rabbit and Twiggy take care of you! Sending you a big hug! xoxo Nancy

Hi Dana, been AWOL for a while but raced over here as soon as I was feeling better. I hope you are better too.

Thanks for sharing such a sweet project...I'll have to find my book of sheet music that I bought a Goodwill last year!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´

Sorry you're not feeling good. Your banner is really nice! You did a great job on it. I LOVE the look on Twiggy's face with the necklace. lol
Get well soon!

I'm so happy that the ever sweet and thoughtful Twiggy and the Stone Rabbit helped you. You probably could not have managed without their help. I so hope you get to feeling better..this bug has hung on with me for awhile..
it just has to leave soon, and I hope it leaves you as well.
Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines Day..
p.s. Thank you for sharing your sweet husband's story with us. Thank God that he recognized what was happening and got to the hospital in time. I hope your procedure goes well..
the prep for it is miserable at best..you have my sympathy..

Dana, the banner is beautiful...hope it lifted your sagging spirits and I hope you are feeling "in the pink" today...congratulations on taking good care of yourself...your upcoming procedure will pass quickly...HaHaHa...we are so fortunate to have such care available. I give myself my mammogram every year for my birthday. In fact, the American Cancer Society is the official aponsor of my birthday.
I'm sure the stone rabbit will be sympathetic...If I know cats, Twiggy will worry that it might alter her daily schedule...Stay warm and well.

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