This morning, our local Fox News Station featured a darling eight year old boy who had a keen interest in the presidents of the United States. He was able to correctly answer all sorts of questions about them. . . including their birth dates! He also accurately named them, in the order, in which they held the office.
That child's knowledge made me feel so inadequate. I know, at one time, I was required to memorize the order in which they served, but on this day, I was lucky to recall that George Washington was number one and Abraham Lincoln was number sixteen.
I sat a little flag out on the front step of our house, in honor of this day. . . this Presidents Day. . . this dreary, snowy and cold day our government has designated as the official day to honor Washington, Lincoln and the others who have held the highest office in our land.
I realized that since I left my job of working with children in public schools I probably hadn't really thought about "honor" and President's Day together. I know our bank is closed and we don't get our mail. Schools are out. Those folks get the day off work. . . as a Federal holiday. Do they spend any of their day off "honoring" or "paying tribute" to the presidents?
I also know our newspaper is filled with great buys that are waiting for us at local retailers. Actually, that seems to me, to be more of what Presidents Day is all about. Deals. Shopping. Not too much honoring.
I'm still a bit under the weather, but I did think about a few special things I could do to keep Presidents Day in mind today. . . in my own little way.
Below is a picture of one of the plates I have from the LIBERTY BLUE design called "Old North Church". Now that sounds very patriotic, doesn't it? I thought that was a good start!
I decided I'd have my very own little Presidents Day Brunch with a couple of the yummy treats I made for us to enjoy yesterday on Valentine's Day. I'd serve them on my LIBERTY BLUE dishes!
The first of the treats I made were "Raspberry Streusel Muffins". I used the recipe that Mary, of ONE PERFECT BITE, recently shared on a Pink Saturday post. If you click on her blog name, you will be directed to that post!
My photo doesn't look as awesome as the one Mary shows, but I have to say, the muffins certainly tasted AWESOME!
Next, I was inspired by Pat, of BACK PORCH MUSINGS , to prepare crepes. Now, again, my version doesn't look as beautiful as Pat's, but I was pretty happy with how it turned out.
I couldn't find the raspberry sauce she showed us on her post, but I DID find a recipe for one on Yvonne's post this last Saturday! She has a wonderful blog called STONE GABLE and if you click on that name, you'll see the recipe I used!
Yes sir! Today, I will do something very special for Presidents Day. As I enjoy my yummy brunch I will play a little game. A game of Presidential Fun Facts.
I went to the internet and found a great list of questions to ask myself. Like. . .
1. How many presidents have been left handed?
2. Which president published more than 16 books, including one called "Fishing for Fun-And to Wash Your Soul"?
3. Which president was both ambidextrous and multilingual and could write Greek in one hand while writing Latin with the other?
4. When the weather was warm, which president would go skinny-dipping in the Potomac River before dawn?
5. (This last one will interest Beverly of HOW SWEET THE SOUND ) Which president was sedated only by brandy when he underwent gall bladder surgery at the age of 17?
Isn't it fun, learning so many interesting things about our former presidents?
Even Twiggy wanted to join in, but she suggested doing something a bit more creative. . . Presidents Day Crafts!
So, once again I Googled and came up with this great website called KABOOSE. It showed some really neat ideas for being crafty on Presidents Day.
Twiggy and I decided we really liked their ideas of making a paper plate stove pipe Lincoln hat or . . . . .
a cute little pretzel log cabin. But the idea we both flipped over was. . .
this wonderful POWDERED WIG!!!
Isn't it terrific?
It's made by covering a painter's hat with cotton balls!!!
AWESOME. . . . and soooooo colonial presidential !
As Twiggy and I discussed making a powdered wig, THE STONE RABBIT was sitting quietly in the chair across the table from me- - - just listening!
When Twiggy ran to fetch the bag of cotton balls, I fetched our wig model!
Twiggy selected the perfect cotton balls for our Presidents Day Craft Project. . . .
then one, by one, she carefully placed them . . .
on the model's head . . . .until she had given THE STONE RABBIT his very own powdered wig!
Wow! This has turned out to be a really great Presidents Day.
I enjoyed delicious food inspired by talented bloggers, served on patriotic dishes, while answering presidential trivia, then helping to create a great Presidents Day memento- - - one that even George Washington would have been proud to wear!
I hope you had a great President's- Presidents'- Presidents Day, too!
Oh, here are the answers to the Presidents Day Trivia Questions! :)
1. seven
2. Herbert Hoover
3. James Garfield
4. John Quincy Adams
5. James Polk
ooh I'm left handed too! How cool that only 7 of them were also.
I love your plates! And those muffins look divine!
Posted by: heather | February 15, 2010 at 02:24 PM
As always what a delightful post Dana!! I too have forgotten anything I learned in school about the Presidents, so I enjoyed my history lesson today too. Lexi actually had to go to school today when so many were out.
Enjoy your President's Day Monday.♥
Posted by: Darlene | February 15, 2010 at 02:41 PM
Dana, I laughed out loud reading your post about the white wigs, Those photos of Twiggy and the stone rabbit are so funny. Your effort for president's day are so impressive. I am proud of you. I admit to knowing only what you knew Washington # 1 and Lincoln our 16th president. The rest of the questions... I admit to ignorance.
Love the log cabin and the wig.
Gotta run Bill is stuck in the snow with our car. LOL. Yes, Disney World... Free.
Come and see me!!
Love, Jeanne
Posted by: Jeanne | February 15, 2010 at 04:08 PM
OMG! I am cracking up over the cat putting the wig on the rabbit. That is to funny!
I did President Day trivia too. Seems like great minds think alike!
Posted by: Joanne Kennedy | February 15, 2010 at 04:31 PM
Hi Dana,
Stopped back by to tell you I checked the link and it was a little slow but did connect for the Catalina Cranberry Chicken but you might want to just go to and in the search type in Catalina Cranberry Chicken. Only a few ingredients and sounds yummy to me. I can't wait to try it.
Posted by: Darlene | February 15, 2010 at 04:34 PM
Hi Dana, I came back to let you know we got hauled up to our driveway. My sister's 'love' hauled us with his 4 wheel drive, I didn't get to tell you the muffins and the crepes look delicious. I loved the stove pipe hat too. You outdid yourself and it sounds like you had fun too. Good job.
Love, Jeanne
Posted by: Jeanne | February 15, 2010 at 05:28 PM
Dana... you're sure a busy girl on a holiday when you don't feel well... loved the post and the questions... brandy for surgery of a gall bladder at 17! that one takes the presidential cake!
feel better! Dixie
Posted by: Dixie | February 16, 2010 at 05:51 AM
Twiggy is so cute! Thanks for some refreshing on our Presidents. Those muffins look yummy!
Susan and Bentley
Posted by: Susan Freeman | February 16, 2010 at 09:02 AM
Oh, Dana... What a patriotic girl you are. Me too. I love the plates. I have a few of them myself. The treats look wonderful and that too-cute-for-words, Twiggy. Love it all.
Posted by: Mermaid Debbie | February 16, 2010 at 11:54 AM
What?! You're showing me more food? Ha!!!
The only one I knew was JQA. I guess skinny dipping is my topic.
And, aack! to Polk.
Great post, Dana. And, Hail to the Chief, TSR.
Posted by: Beverly | February 16, 2010 at 04:48 PM
Okay, I love the Stone Rabbit's special powdered wig. SO presidential!
Hope your Valentine's Day was happy as well as your President's Day.
Posted by: Judy | February 16, 2010 at 05:16 PM
Dana! I loved your tribute to President's day... I just gave the quiz to my Dear Hubby. He got the left handed question right... (lucky guess, I say)
Thanks for sharing your day with us. Nice to "see" you again!
Posted by: Jillian | February 16, 2010 at 07:03 PM
What a wonderful post....loved it
Enjoyed my visit to your blog tonight while doing a little blog hopping. Hope you will stop by mine. This is my ONE YEAR Blog Anniversary and prizes everyday....
Posted by: Teresa | February 16, 2010 at 09:50 PM
There's a Happy 101 award for you on my blog today. Come pick it up.
I love your blog and your little stone rabbit!
Posted by: Sandy Blaxland | February 17, 2010 at 06:02 AM
Dana, I'm so glad you enjoy the muffins. Thanks so much for your kind words. They really are appreciated. Blessings...Mary
Posted by: Mary | February 17, 2010 at 07:32 PM
Nothing like a powdered wig for the stone rabbit!
Posted by: Spencer | February 18, 2010 at 01:54 PM
I had fun reading your President's Day trivia quiz. I didn't get any of them but I learned a lot! :) The muffins look wonderful and I do like a good raspberry sauce - all looks very yummy! Hope you are feeling better by now!
Posted by: Jean | February 18, 2010 at 07:14 PM
All I have to say is that "I AM IMPRESSED" - you are so skilled in so many ways!!! Sharleen
Posted by: Sharleen | February 21, 2010 at 04:23 PM