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February 05, 2010


what a cute post! i had a mickey mouse watch like your daughters when i was younger too! in fact, i think i still have it tucked away somewhere.
love the new pink watch!

I love your Mickey Mouse watch!!and your new exercise pink watch that stone rabbit took from you:)

Have a great weekend:)


Dana, I too have had many watches in my life time and have enjoyed looking at all of yours. Some I have kept, but most I gave away. Thanks for sharing. They brought back lots of memories.
Happy Pink Saturday.

My goodness, Dana. I didn't know that you were a watch girl. I certainly am happy to read that you are in the pink time of your life. Maybe TSR can help you with setting your new pinkie.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Just love your posts and how you can take a simple theme like "time" and make it so interesting and personal. Makes me think of the watches I've had. Might have to go see if they are still around.

Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

What a wonderful post! I have rarely ever worn a watch but seeing for you how they 'mark time' in a different way has me thinking about getting a watch. Happy Pink Saturday!

Thanks for visiting my Pink Saturday post :-)

I have a whole box of watches like this with a story. One of the first things my future husband ever did for me was get a watchband fixed. The watch no longer works...but I wouldn't part with it for anything!

How neat is that...you still have the note that your mom had included with your first watch. Thanks for sharing your timeless memories.

Hi Dana,

What a well told story of memories. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I stopped wearing a watch and pretty much use my cell phone for time. Haha!

Sending you fairy magic for Pink Saturday today. May it be perfect in every way.

Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie

Oh, what a fun walk down Memory Lane, Dana! I love your watches... all of them... and the stories behind them. This reminds me that one of my first watches (actually my second one) is in the bedside table that was my bedside table from childhood. It's an antique sewing table that has all sorts of little compartments inside. My watch has been there since I took it off many, many years ago. I also think my retainer is in the bottom drawer! LOL! My mother and I were sentimental like that. It's BRIGHT green and was MOD. ;-) My first watch was a blue Cinderella watch that disappeared into the mist of time.

Thank you for this lovely post, and Happy Pink Saturday to you, friend!


Sheila :-)

I love your watch collection. I had thought about getting rid of my old watches, but maybe not.
My mom includes notes in gifts! I try to keep the notes even if I can't keep them with the gift. It is fun to read what the importance is.

Love this post! Probably because I am obsessed with clocks and time. We have more clocks around our house from grandfather to alarm and everything in between. One thing, they better have the exact correct time! Obsessive? I know. I think your first watch is my favorite - maybe because of your mom's note. My Mom used to do the same - I love to see her handwriting - oh, how it makes me miss her!

Happy Pink Saturday!

What a perfect post to remember different "times" in our lives! I swear Dana, I can match you watch for watch. I save them too whether they work or not and I have my mothers, dads and sisters that I put on my Christmas tree. Your 70's wrapping paper brought back memories - we wallpapered my son's nursery in a paper called "who me" that looked almost like that. Wow - this is one of my most favorite posts you've ever done. Love, love, loved it! xoxo Nancy

Hi Dana
I love that you have saved all your watches! I too have saved mine but I don't have that many!
Happy Pink Saturday

I loved your travel through "time". Have a wonderful pink weekend. I hope you get that watch set before church! LOL

Dana thanks for visiting my blog and also for featuring me here on yours. I loved reading the story of your watches. It made me think of my watches of years back and wonder why I didn't keep them like you did. It's funny what we hang onto and what we let go in life. Nan

Dana, I had a fun TIME reading your post, and I'm sure you had a great TIME writing it! I will WATCH for your entry next week. (Oh, it's great to be older with so much TIME on our hands!)
Hugs, Raymore Rosie

Hi Dana,
I always so enjoy my visits with you and that most handsome fellow,the Stone Rabbit. I loved the watch story of you and your friend exchanging watches... Your minds run so close as only dear friends of many years does..it's wonderful to have such a friend.
Happy Pinks..have a great weekend..

Funny how "time" passes when tou're having fun. Today's post was both cute and clever and I loved every "minute" of it. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

I swear girl, your watch drawer looks just like mine. I have so many fun ones and always wear my gold and silver one that looks just like yours. I also have some pretty fancy ones that I can't even read the time on. LOL. I love this post Dana...It brought tears to my eyes. I loved your Mom's note. Laughing again as I tend to leave notes for my kids too on the antique pieces I buy....just want to make sure they don't sell them at a yard sale for 50 cents. xoxo

Hi Dana. What an incredible way to mark the times of your life. I enjoyed reading your account of your life through your watch collection. Thank you for taking the time to share such a cool story. Have a wonderful weekend. Please stop by for a visit if you're able. Terri

great post. love the christmas watches and the pink.

This is my favorite post yet. Don't be surprised if you see a similar post on my blog someday. I have some special watches, too, and I would like to preserve their memories on my blog, too.

Snow on Friday? About three inches for us.

Being a jewellery and watch fanatic I loved your post. Bet if you look on the back of the Gruen you'll see a gold stamp, most likely 14k. Happy Pink Saturday.Please don't forget to visit me. It will be your only chance to enter my giveaway.

Dana what a super post! That pink watch is so cute. I can't wear a watch. They stop working on me, isn't that weird? So I gave up a long time ago. The only watch I own was my mother-in-laws given to me after her death. It is cherished. ♥

Dana, you sure know how to tell a tale found myself thinking of the watches that I have owned and worn. When our house was broken into a couple years ago, the thief got all my jewerly, including about a half-dozen non-running watches... I wonder where they are now... and if they'll end up in someone else's story...

Happy Pink Saturday... and happy Pink time of life!

Hugs. Dixie

This was another wonderful post Dana! I hope you are making your blog into a book one day to save for your grandchildren to read when they are older..you share so many sweet memories.

When I first worked as a RN I had to wear a watch that had a second hand so I could count my patients pulse. The last few years I didn't need the watch anymore as we had more sophisticated monitoring devices that constantly told us the pulse and much more. Around that time I stopped wearing a watch and now I use my cell phone to tell me the time.

I loved your post. I have a collection of all my watches, too, and enjoy looking at them from time to time...no pun intended :)
I always enjoy your blog...you are so creative and fun.
BB from Ga.

What wonderful memories go along with that watch! I have one watch, lost the other one I had somewhere. It is a "practical" watch. Which means it has a stretch band and it is easy to get on and off. I've had it for probably 12 years, and would be lost without it. Yes, it's been awhile. I shall visit more often, Dana!

Hi Dana, I can't believe I didn't visit you yesterday. The net was off most of the day and then I was sick with a darn old cold. Today isn't much better. I just woke up from a three hour nap. LOL. I do feel a bit better.

I LOVE your watch post. Your stories are so much fun to read. It made me laugh out loud because I too have a huge box of watches through the years. What a fun memory packed post. Each story is now a journal and that's how I look at blogging. A journal of so many events and memories. Photos to share. Your Mama Mia shirts made me smile BIG as i remembered the excitement of that movie coming to our theater. That was when I was getting to know you and love you as my new internet friend. Now it seems like I have known you for a long time. Your friendship means so much to me. I love Bonnie too and your many lovely friends.

Well I better close and try to visit some more blogging friends. I am always trying to play catch up. sigh.

I hope your weekend was a great one. When do you go to Texas?
Love, Jeanne

What a great idea! I have a watch collection too! I have a lot of Swiss watches I never wanted to part with.

What a wonderful post! We had a few of the same watches-the silver and gold band and the Mickey Mouse. My mom still has her Cinderella watch from her childhood!

Have a great week!

I had a good "time" reading your post today! My Pink Saturday post for this week was a post of memories too. Aren't we blessed to have such sweet memories?

Wow! How time flies! I had a couple of the same watches as you. I just found my first watch today. It is only a broken face, but I loved seeing it again.

Hi Dana,
How precious that note from your mom. I enjoyed reading your memories of all your watches, especially that first one with the note. Thank you for visiting me tonight. I thought about you a few days ago, I was in the grocery store and ABBA came on. You hold a happy place in my heart & I smiled when I heard the song the other day and thought of your happy Mama Mia posts. I truly believe things happen for a reason and my dad's birthday & your parent's anniversary on the same day is a very happy bit of syncronicity or as I say... It's a sign! You made my evening and touched my heart.

Hi Dana, just stopping in to say hello. I came over from Beverly's blog. I am wondering if this comment will post from her post. I am still not able to get my comments to post to typepad users unless I use Safari, a different browser.

Beverly is probably going to have her Gall Bladder out sometime today. The poor thing has been suffering for days. she will hate me for telling you this. I could email you but since she gave us a hint this morning I decided to comment on it.

We are getting snow today. It is blowing like crazy. I don't know how long I will have a connection. darn.
Have a happy day Dana

Love, Jeanne

PS: Cheri' was spayed yesterday. sigh. All she wants to do is sit in my lap. I'm going to get a lot done today. NOT! My poor little baby.

NOPE it didn't post. Good thing I have Safari

Dana, Not only do I have a lot of watches (needing batteries!) but I worked in a jewelry department and sold watches...many of the kind you have! I had a Gruen for many years and it was my favorite watch. I no longer wear a watch - I have my cell phone for knowing the time. Thanks for stopping by and saying "hi" - and, I really don't think I have more expertise in the cleaning department! LOL!
P.S. Still digging out...ugh!

Dana... heard at Nancy's that you're under the weather... hope you're back in the PINK soon!
hugs. Dixie

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