August 13, 2010


I'm so glad you and the Stone Rabbit are enjoying my gift! I hope it is cooling you off in the dreadful Mid-West heat.

Thanks for the lovely post and Happy Birthday again!


These frozen smiles are just too funny!
Hopefully that cold front from up north gets here soon. Our weatherman had predicted earlier in the week that it would be here by tonight. But I don't think it is moving too fast as we are supposed to have a high tomorrow in the low 90's. Soooo looking forward to the day we can turn off the AC and open up the windows again.

Haha...those are too funny. And in a creepy way, they do cheer up your glass :) Happy Pink Saturday!

Very funny ice cubes!!!

What a cute and funny gift! Sometimes it's the small things that can make our day, isn't it?! Happy PS! Suzie

OMGosh! Those are the funniest ice cubes ever! Not real sure I could drink with them floating around in my glass . . . ewwwww! LOL

Did I tell you I now have a photo blog? I'll link this comment to it. ♥

I knew if I came to visit today I would be laughing up a storm, and you did not disapoint me! I've missed stopping by your fun blog! Give Stone Rabbit a hug, will you!

Hugs, Patti

I went back and read your previous "dentures" posts -- too funny for words! Love the dentures serving as the candy corn dish and the nutcracker! Oh, and in the Halloween candy bowl too -- it's surprising how creepy that looks. Love them riding in their little bus, waving the American flags too.

Hee hee, you're crazy! But I like that in a person.

Dana, thanks for stopping by this Pink Saturday. Those dentures ice cubes are the cutest ever...floating in a glass of tea served to the unsuspecting...what a laugh maker. Everyone knows someone who deserves to have a tall cold one filled with dentures. Have fun with them. Stay cool in this summer heat. LaVerne

Hi Dana, I love your denture ice trays. Donna has a great sense of humor. The perfect Pink Saturday fun. I needed a good laugh with my internet going defunct. I was so despondent yesterday when the tower was down. I knew it would be a long time to fix it. It is on the highest mountain around here and the top is above the tree line. The last couple of miles is a bad gravel road. There was no way it would be fixed until today. We have had some pretty hefty rain storms this week. However, it is still not too hot. That is a blessing when I hear how hot it is in so much of the country. I am thankful to live here in the mountains. Has your weather been any better?

Come over and check out the bedroom makeover. It looks so pretty. I finally published my post at 11:00 am. Andrea is so pleased.

It is so pretty here in the fall. Come and visit with your friends. Wouldn't we have fun? The cabin sleeps four perfectly. AND there is a guest room in the house.
AND, the RV has a queen size bed. Cafe Rel is waiting for you. BIG smile.

Gotta get busy and visit more Pinkies. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love, Jeanne

This is a really funny pink post !
Love ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands

Happy Pink Saturday Dana Sweetie...
Oh my gosh, how I love this post. What a beautiful package of love
from your friend Donna. I have never seen these before and this is
so stinkin darn cute. I need to find a set of those trays to send to
my Daddy for his birthday. I will have to check and see if I can find
them. I know he would get a kick out of it for sure.

Thanks for sharing. Sure looks like Stone Rabbit is enjoying them as
well. Just precious Dana. Have a gorgeous Saturday.

Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Way too fun!! Would make you wonder what's in your drink...

I think are the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!!! I need some of these-Happy Pink Saturday!




Now those smiles were just about the cutest things I've ever seen. You must have a fabulous sense of humor!


Those are hysterical! Perfect for your witches brew punch this Halloween. I follow Donna on FB and her parties are just adorable. Lucky you to be on her "A"list! Hey - you could make jello teeth too! Or rice krispi treat teeth. But for now in this neverending sweltering heat your ice cubes are just perfect. xoxo Nancy

That is just TOO FUNNY!! What a fun gift for you. How sweet of Donna. We are supposed to get some rain either tonight or tomorrow so it can cool us down a few degrees. We have been MISERABLE here with the heat wave. Enjoy your Sunday.♥

Dana, what a wonderful post fro Pink Saturday. I love every frame of it.I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary

Dana the denture ice cubes are SO funny! And luckily it is something you would not be offended by! LOL.... (noting your earlier post)

Happy belated birthday! Thanks for stopping by my Pink Saturday birthday post as well!!!!!! Keep cool!

Bella Rosa Antiques

Hi Dana, I wish I was there too. Bill and I went bowling yesterday. I did awful but we had fun. Knowing you, I know you have made some festive things to make the bowling birthday bash a big success. Good luck with the upcoming show. A month early is a disgrace. I bet all the entrants are up in arms!!! "If it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done." My motto that drives Beverly crazy. She IS the most organized person on the planet. Did you know that? Her spices are in alphabetical order. Lord have mercy! I hope she doesn't read this. HA!

I am SO HAPPY you love your new computer. I knew you would. Thank you for your second visit today. I don't mind seconds at all. In fact I love them. Notice the chubbiness of an extra 10 lbs. on my pic. sigh. I am h... bent to get rid of it before my body thinks it is the new me. Heaven forbid!!!

Please come and see me. Smile.

Love you lots, Jeanne

Oh my gosh those ice trays are too funny! I love it!

Oh, Dana, what a friend you have there. Soooo funny, and just darling, really. Pink is a favorite of mine, too.

Good morning Dana. I'm up early today and I came over to see if you posted your bowling bash. Be sure and check my post today, it is a special one. I know you will love the content.

Today is duplicate bridge and since we have missed a few weeks because of taking care of Andrea, I am looking forward to going. We play for master's points. It takes forever to get points but it is a fun goal. There is also a little money for the top players for the day and that is a fun goal too. Bill is my partner and we love the challenge of not getting mad at each other for doing something wrong. HA! I swore I would never play with him as a partner. Never say never!!! BIG smile.

Bill and Cheri' just woke up. So much for my quiet time. More like walk Cheri' time. She is such a joy and a pain too. She steals anything left on a table such as pens, paper, etc. She jumps up on our end tables to see what she can get in to. We need Ceaser for some puppy discipline around here. HA!

Have a wonderful day my friend.
Love, Jeanne

Love it.....this post made me snigger!!!!!!! Oops....is that a word????



OMG, Dana. You and Donna make quite a combo. I love your gift, and I love this post. You deserve a fun birthday.

Happy very, very belated Pink Saturday.

It seems my dear friend, Jeanne, has had a lot to say. I think she is just jealous because her spices aren't in alphabetical order. ♥

I made a new button for my blog, and I made one for Jeanne's, too. Check them out. I'll be happy to make you one if you want.

Hi Dana, I am thinking of you today. I bet you are crazy busy getting ready for the upcoming craft show on the 28th.

I just gave Cheri' a bath and she was soooo good. I even trimmed her up a bit. She has a check up at the vet today. They adore her so she has to look her best. Smile.

I am thinking about Beverly's special pink post tomorrow and I don't have any ideas. sigh. I will come up with something.

Don't work too hard.
Love you, Jeanne

OMGosh!!! that would be perfect for Gary!!!! great post ...Pat H

Way too funny!!! Sometimes I wish teeth didn't freak me out!

Hope all is well Dana!!! I'm off to see what I've missed in your blog!


Those denture ice cubes are just so funny to look at. It brought a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing.

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