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September 16, 2010


Dana, good for you girl. I tried to walk everyday, can't imagine jogging..lol.. what a feeling of accompolishment you must have. You've inspired me to "think" about taking something like that on... hugs ~lynne~

Wow, Dana, that is fabulous that you can run for 25 minutes! I'm slow on my 90 seconds right now but my kids jog with me. Sheridan just got her mile tracker for the Santa Clarita marathon and she needs to run 25 miles before Nov. 7 to complete the last 1.2 miles of the marathon. I will be in the 5K. Thanks for the inspiration!

WOW Dana that is incredible that you are jogging for that long. WAY TO GO! I bet the Annie costume is going to be delightful! Awwwww the little black kitty looks like my Midnight...too CUTE.

I wish I lived closer because I would sure be at your tag sale. I bet it will be so fun. Hope you make lots of money!!! Enjoy your weekend.♥

I know you are sooooo proud of yourself. Since injuring my foot I have missed my daily walks. We "old gals" gotta keep up the exercising...you are an inspiration to us all. Sure wish I could come to your sales...sounds like your really do it up big!

You and Rabbit have been busy. Great going on the jogging too.

I sure enjoyed this post, Dana! Loved all the news about what is going on with you.

Thanks so much for putting my new link here. I am so overwhelmed with the love and support I've received from everyone, this week!

I just came over from Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques to see you. You GO girl! Jogging 25 minutes three or four times a week! That is awesome! I thought I was "something else" for doing Zumba for an hour a week! LOL! :) I also liked your tribute to NYC and seeing your pictures from your trip to New York of the twin towers. Let us never forget! Good to "see" you!!


Keep up that practice towards the 5K, Dana! I know you can do it!

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