April 01, 2011


Hi Dana, your grand is adorable bowling. What a great memory for all of you to have. You girls had a blast at the open house and looks like you found some great treasures to boot. I'm looking forward "after" tax season is over to try and venture out on a Monday or two. Mr. P is always generous about going back to the truck when he wears down, which is pretty quickly these days, so when we go we aren't gone long or for very far. Isn't today absolutely gorgeous? We cannot wait for Sunday and those promised 80 degrees.... hugs ~lynne~

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Dana.

I love seeing little ones bowl, and your grandgirl looks like a champ. I know you all had a great time.

And, just look at all of your pretties. You always find good "stuff".

HI Dana

Your granddaughter looks like a natural bowler! It's wonderful that you get to spend a lot of tume with her as hildren grow up too quickly.

I love all your pink pretties!

Hugs, Pat

Oh my goodness- she's getting so big! I know...it seems like just yesterday that my boys were bowling like that...heck it seems like this morning my grandson was bowling like that and now he's driving! Watch out Dana...the second time around goes even faster!
I love your shopping trip - that store always has great stuff for you! Then at the antique mall I was wondering if that was real forsythia cause I used to do that in Ohio. Then I see you brought it home and remembered I actually have some in my stash upstairs!
Yep - you are lucky you came to Texas last year when gas was cheaper. You're near St Louis...you know Mary Englebreit is having an art/craft retreat in June AT HER STUDIO. If I lived where you do I would so be there! You guys should go. Lets see, what else? The scrabble game - it's not vintage. It was a Toys R Us Exclusive that I bought at Tuesday Morning! $16. So worth it. I played my grandson last week and got my first use all my letter word! So it's waaay lucky, too! xoxo Nancy

Happy PINK Saturday ~ looks like you had so much fun bowling and shopping. Have a great weekend :O)

Hey Dana, I remember the first time I went bowling; looks like me (ha) what fun. Love the pink pigs and the cookies and fun pictures; we all need to be little kids again every now and then. Terri www.morningdewdrops.typepad.com

She had the BEST time! And we loved hearing all about it and seeing those cute pics! LOVE that garden hose wreath! SO STINKIN' CUTE! I think we need to make those this spring. :o) Love, DIL

What a little bowler!! How fun! I am moving....you have the most darling shops. Love the egg wreaths.
Licks & Wags, Niki

Hi Dana, What a wonderful packed weekend that was, family, friends, antique malls, and pink sprinkled cupcakes. What more could anyone ask for. I would love to see these malls but right now Missouri is too far for a weekend trip. Thank you for becoming a follower on my blog. Please note that the give-away was extended a week. Happy Pink Saturday.

Oh that top picture of your grandgirl bowling is JUST the greatest - - - that's how I bowl too!

WOO HOO genuine Missouri Porkers! I've heard tale of them but this is the first I've actually seen them-cute:@) It looks like you've had a great couple weeks Dana, you always make me smile-Happy PS!

Dana, you are always telling me how wonderful my big family is and I appreciate your sweet compliments so much. However, I adore your sweet family and admire the many fun times you have together so often.

The bowling pics are fun and a wonderful family outing. Your grand girl is the cutest little thing and so are the pics of the children at the birthday party. I too wonder how the time has gone by and the generations are making us seem pretty old huh?

I'm glad you gals had a wonderful time shopping. The photos of Patty and Bonnie eating cookies is so cute. I am sure they are trained to think pink! HA! Your photo is cute too. You are looking thin and in great shape. I am jealous. smile. I am doing a three mile walking tape and loving it!

Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend.
Love, Jeanne

Oops, I forgot to mentioned I love your purchases very much. We do love the same things. I want some 'blue' birds eggs. Smile. I also think Claudia's space is very well done. Nice things and decorated in a charming way.
Me again...

Dana, How much fun. Grandbabies, shopping , eating, bowling, and Mr. Rabbit's got a great find. Sounds like a great weekend to me. Happy pink week.

I LOVE the first photo of the new bowler! How cute! And the pigs are so cute! How did you get out without your arms loaded up with goodies!

How cool to see your little sweetie bowling. You found such cool treasures. I especially loved the pink egg wreaths.

Happy Weekend and thanks for sharing your adventure!

My girls love bowling. How fun! LOVE the tierd treat stand and piggies!!

Happy PS!

Heavens what a day you had bowling, shopping, birthday party! Love your post as usual.
Joyce M

Sigh, those years just flew by ! How precious is that GRAND ! and i can tell you had a wonderful time. Happy pink Saturday...

What a happy life you have...thanks for sharing it with us!

HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

Such a fun post! And what fun it looks you had! I have that Easter ribbon in my Etsy shop!
I almost died when I saw it! LOL!
Have a great weekend!

stopping by to say thank you for your kind and comforting words.


{{love the greenwood tea room...went there with shauna last year}}

Wow, what a fun weekend you had. I love spending time wandering around an antiques mall. Happy Pink Saturday!

Dana, I tried to leave a message last night, and typepad was acting goofy. Love the grandgirl... she is a doll. And love all the goodies in this. You live such a fun life.

Happy PS...


Sheila :-)

What a fun weekend, Dana. Your grandgirl is so cute - and that's exactly how my son bowled when he was little.

I love your shopping trips through antique malls. I wish I could come along with you, you find such wonderful things!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Love the pictures! I felt like I was with you on your trip antiquing! And those pink pigs are to die for! I LOVE them! I guess I was too late for my Pink Saturday. It was set up differently on Beverly's site this time.\, so I messed up. But if you would like to see mine:

Oh my gosh what a fun post! I felt like I was with you the whole time! Thanks so much for the fun time...looks like a great time bowling and then a great time with friends llookinf for pinks...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

Dana it all looks like so much fun. I just went antiquing today at an antique mall nearby ... but I did not take pics! I wish I had now! I was too busy picking up stuff as fast and as efficient as I could. I rarely get an afternoon off so I had to make the best of it.

I love how you are nostalgic about the bowling. The circle of life! Your Grand Girl is as always, so cute.

Bella Rosa Antiques

Hi Dana, I am in Atlanta doing an antique show with my sisters. I left on Weds. This is the first time I have been on my computer to visit since Tuesday night, except for a few minutes to let my blogging friends know that I am in Atlanta and busy. The first day of the show was yesterday and it was SLOW. We went to bed early last night and now I am up EARLY visiting you. smile.

I will be back home on Sun. night.
I do hope you will be ready for the 5K. Don't be too tough!!!
Love, Jeanne

that first bowling pose is priceless! Did you know I used to bowl when my children were little and I still have my Bowling Queen patch I won. LOL..... Can't bowl now 'cause I might mess up my pretty fake nails. ha! I love those papier mache bunnies too but all the ones I see are quite pricey. I almost bought an old honeycomb bunny, chicks and eggs last weekend but resisted. Loved this post Dana. You and your precious friends have so much fun. Off to cook now for the brunch this weekend. xo

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