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January 17, 2012


Such a clever fella--hope I can remember this tip!

He is truly the best kind of friend.♥ Now, can you teach him to do your laundry?

What a great bunny! I always reuse my fabric sheets a couple or three times....and that is fine too!!

This is a good tip, Dana! I also reuse my dryer sheets a second time and they still work well.


Thank you so much for your kind words of sympathy to me on the loss of my Mother. I really appreciate your support and friendship. {[hugs}}

A good tip to remember! I am glad Stone Rabbit was able to help. What a good fella!


That's what I've been doing for a couple of years and yes, it works wonderfully. Sometimes, you can find sheets that will tear in half perfectly.

Dana, I just realized I missed your great laundry advice post. Where was I??? Probably playing cards with Bob from sunup to sundown. SIGH

I will try this as soon as I buy some dryer sheets. I have been using the liquid stuff and it is very expensive. I am budget minded as a goal this year. Who knows what the future hold huh?

Your laundry looks fine!!! Big smile here.

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