Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.- Victor Hugo
Our first "dusting" of snow this winter was December the 6th, but we had our first measurable snowfall on Wednesday night, making THE STONE RABBIT a very happy guy!!! He had waited anxiously for morning to come so he could get out and hop around! Rabbits love snow and cold.
Actually the Grand Dog beat him out the door.....can you see her little paw prints ? I believe I heard we got something like three tenths of an inch. Last year, and the year before at this time, we were BURIED under several inches of snow.
I have loved the weather this winter. Our temps have been so mild and our form of precipitation, until Wednesday night, has been rain! I absolutely hate the cold, so when I walked out with the dog and THE STONE RABBIT, I was quickly reminded of just exactly why I feel this way. . .
at 16 degrees. . . .it's just plain miserable. On the plus side of cold. . . it doesn't take the dog too long to do her business. . . sniffing and circling for the perfect "spots" just don't seem as important as they do when the weather is decent.
As the morning wore on, we watched a variety of birds hang out in front of our living room window. . .all with their little feathers "puffed out" to help keep them warm.
The robins were dining on the few holly berries they had left on our bushes after nearly stripping them clean last fall. They were just as sad about the cold weather as me . . heck, just the day before, they were still pulling worms out of the ground. . . and now, they were eating berries. Guess it was a good thing they left a few for later.
I put together a batch of beef stew in the slow cooker. . . it was, after all, a stewy kind of a day. . . .then I worked on a variety of projects around the house, but even while wearing several layers of clothing, I just couldn't get warm.
By the time it was my "nap time/aka General Hospital Break Time" I decided it was the day I'd been waiting for since August.
In the heat of that month, I found a bargain at our local Old Time Pottery store. . . .and stashed it away. . . until the perfect time!
YES, YES, YES!!! It was the day to pull out my PINK Snuggie!!
When I saw the display of these little beauties last August, I let out the teeniest of shrieks! They were PINK and they were on SALE!!!
Actually, I couldn't believe that I hadn't already received one as a gift. . . my family and friends know how much I love PINK and how much I love to be warm!!! That was OK. . . my wait paid off with a bargain! It didn't bother me, either, that it was "last year's design" as plastered on the package. This one would be perfect!!
On the box, it says "one size fits all". . . Well, Snuggies are VERY long. . . you can see little TWIGGY standing on the part that hit the floor while I was wearing it. . . . and so are the sleeves. . . but in comparison to their length, they aren't that huge around. With that said, the body type that it would fit the best would be someone well over 6 feet tall, a bit on the slight size and with long arms. Does that sound like you? :)
Actually, Snuggies probably are not meant to be "worn" and walked in. . .they are a throw with sleeves. . .your backside is pretty much exposed, and with the loads of fabric in the length, it could be a tripping hazard, especially for short little Snuggie owners. Basically, their claim to fame is that they are meant to be used while sitting on a sofa or chair that has a big back. :)
With all of that said. . .
I got all cozy on the sofa and ottoman, sporting my Snuggie for it's inaugural wearing, and concentrating on my beloved General Hospital. . .and then I realized. . .
just how really warm that Snuggie was making me feel!!!
"OOOOOH".....I said aloud......"I'm LOVIN' my Snuggie!!" That's when THE STONE RABBIT hopped up on the ottoman and joined me in watching my soap and a little Snuggie Love, too! :)
Brrrrr. . . this morning, as I finish the post, it is now 13 degrees!!! And YES, I'm wearing my PINK Snuggie! I have made steady PINK Snuggies Progress, too!
I have found that if I turn it around, like a robe, it keeps me warm while perched in my computer chair which doesn't have a big cushy back. PLUS, I've even learned that I can carefully hold up the bottom of it and make it into the kitchen for more coffee without having to take it on and off!
Something else I love. . . PINK SATURDAY!!! Kudos to our faithful hostess, Beverly, for making it happen for us every week!!
Please visit her blog, HOW SWEET THE SOUND, for a loooooong list of other bloggers who have PINKS to share this week, too!!!
Keepin' warm in my PINK SNUGGIE.....DANA
Necessity is the mother of invention!! Now you know what you can do in the Snuggie...they might have problems getting it off of you!! Me, I battle with throw on, throw off, throw on, throw off!! It drives my hubby nutz!
Posted by: Ceekay | January 13, 2012 at 07:56 AM
While I laugh at the commercials I do think a pink snuggie might be pretty darn awesome to have and you have just proved it. Huggies to you!
Posted by: Linda @ A La Carte | January 13, 2012 at 08:37 AM
You know I've been wondering if I should get one of these too. I'm always snuggled inside a blanket, but when a hot flash comes on I want it off as fast as possible. Think this will work for me Stone Rabbit???
I woke up to some pretty nice white fluffy stuff too. We have about 8 inches now. LOVE it. Poor Colt has to go shovel now : (
Tomorrow I have to drive to Montreal for SIster's sister's funeral. It's suppose to be sunny, but very cold.
Happy PS Dana.
Love Claudie
Posted by: claudie | January 13, 2012 at 09:54 AM
No pink Saturday is complete unless I visit Mr. S. Rabbit but ...brrrrrrrrbrrrrrbrrrrrrr this sent a chill down my back, we are having cold weather too's in the low 50's and for us Southern gals that is darn cold !
being short and ummmm not slim ... I just didn't appreciate the snuggie. I'm happy you are getting good use from yours.
Posted by: Francie Thornton | January 13, 2012 at 12:08 PM
Don't trip and fall! I am so tall that it would probably come up to my ankles which is not a good thing since those ankles get cold!
Posted by: mary | January 13, 2012 at 12:21 PM
LOL! Well, first of it cold, reall? :o) We got snow here and's about -9 and without the's snowing steady...
Love those bird visitors you got and that Robin looks pretty rounded!
Snuggies are great and make nice gifts! I bet that cat thought it was for her!!!
Where is your sweet doggie?
Posted by: Gabriela | January 13, 2012 at 12:29 PM
Oh what a charming tale! I am glad you had your perfect afternoon in your pink Snuggie. And, S. Rabbit looked like he was enjoying it, too!
The pictures of the birds was so sweet. Was that a blue bird? I love Blue Birds and have maybe, seen them three times in my life. Lucky you for having the collection to watch, that you do!
I haven't been posting for a bit, but I think I am back now!
Jil ♥
Posted by: Jil | January 13, 2012 at 12:36 PM
Winter cold has arrived here too, it dipped into the teens yesterday and we got a measureable snow too. I like your pink snuggie-glad you found a way to use it!! My friend makes gorgeous afghans and she uses 12 skeins of yarn--so you can imagine how thick it is. That is what I use to keep warm.
Happy Pink Sat.
Posted by: Ann | January 13, 2012 at 01:55 PM
Of COURSE the Stone Rabbit would look super cool in a pink snuggie! Stay warm!
Wags, Niki
Posted by: Niki@ MaisonMutt | January 13, 2012 at 02:27 PM
That would be the way I would spend the day if we had a cold spell like that. All warped up in a snuggie, sitting by the fire.
Posted by: LaVoice | January 13, 2012 at 03:04 PM
I've got a Snuggie too (horrible dark blue - my DH bought it for me - I wanted red...) and they are wonderful. My only complaint is that they open at the back, so it's 'surgical gown time' whenever I need to visit the bathroom. These need Velcro, lol. Happy Pink Saturday!
Posted by: Susie Jefferson | January 13, 2012 at 03:31 PM
Yikes....13 degrees!!! I'd be looking for a PlugIn Snuggie like an electric Blanket! You and Stoney look very your snuggie shoes, too. Ya'll stay warm! Neat pics of the birds...they look fat and feathery!
Posted by: Sue | January 13, 2012 at 05:20 PM
Hi Dana, I too have a pink Snuggie. I actually forgot about it until now. I need it because it is cold here too. We woke up to white this morning. Just a bit of snow but more than any we have had so far this year. some melted off but not much.
We are going to Atlanta tomorrow for Bill's hearing aids. We will go to Costco and visit my sisters at their antique show at Scott's Antique Market. The same one I used to sell at. My sisters are still doing that show one time a month. ( a four day show)I will be shopping for supplies for my journal as well. I made the journal and now I need to start decorating it asap. I am looking forward to the challenge.
Stay warm my dear blogging friend.
Love you bunches,
Posted by: jeanne | January 13, 2012 at 06:40 PM
Oh what a cute post!
I need a pink snuggie too, as we are expecting snow here also.
Sigh...I love the photos of the adorable birds.
Happy P I N K Day!
Posted by: Loretta Houben | January 13, 2012 at 07:18 PM
You'll need that Pink Snuggie this winter for sure. Glad you shared the snugglie with the Stone Rabbit.
Joyce M
Posted by: Joyce M | January 13, 2012 at 07:41 PM
Such beautiful images and Lovely taken too!
My PINK post, have a nice weekend!
Posted by: Ms. Burrito | January 13, 2012 at 09:52 PM
A pink snuggie! Oh you and the SR look so cozy all tucked in together. (and since we've never actually met in person...why yes!!! that snuggie would fit my tall slender long armed body PeRfectly!) I got Jeff a snuggie with dogs all over it - in our house it's like camouflage!
I used to watch General Hospital back when Luke and Laura were having their adventures - come to think of it we lived in Ohio then and snow was involved - you had to be really dedicated because it was on ONCE and it was pre dvr's and even vcr's and no cable soap channels or on demand so you had to BE there or miss it. I hope the snow melts and you have a mild winter. It's in the 30s here at night and 65ish during the day. I could live with that year round!
Stay warm! xoxo Nancy
Posted by: Nancy | January 14, 2012 at 07:03 AM
I am 5'9" & my snuggy is too long to safely walk in. Thus, I put 3 small pieces of hook & loop tape on inside of base hem and the other parts about a foot up on the inside front on snuggy. When I get up to walk, I quickly snap, snap, snap the hook & loop together. I only need the front to be up so this works for me.
My DH gave me my snuggy, knowing how I hate being cold, but it is boring beige not cute pink like yours
Posted by: Gail | January 14, 2012 at 07:16 AM
Dana, Thank you for the detailed description of a snuggie! I have always wondered if that would work for little 'ole me. It just seemed like so much fabric!!! I did figure I could make some alterations easily. Now to find the perfect color...on sale!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Posted by: Nancy at Linens and Laurel | January 14, 2012 at 09:03 AM
Oh Dana...You are too funny. That Rabbit does get around 8o)
Hope you all can hop over soon for a visit.
Posted by: Melody | January 14, 2012 at 09:11 AM
LOL, Happy Pink Saturday, What a cute post, I love seeing the rabbit sharing your Snuggie. i do not like the cold either. Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend. Warmly, Linda
Posted by: Linda | January 14, 2012 at 10:07 AM
Very cute post and I love that pink Snuggie.
Posted by: Nan | January 14, 2012 at 11:03 AM
Oh, I need one of thos snuggie to keep me warm in this cold weather..
Visiting for PS! Here's my share-hope you can stop by:)
Posted by: Leah H. | January 14, 2012 at 12:21 PM
Oh How funny! I took the longest nap in my pink snuggie today and my kitties joined me ... it was wonderful!
Posted by: Jennifer Grenko | January 14, 2012 at 09:46 PM
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Dana. You and TSR are staying warm in pink style. I gave my mother a Snuggie last year, and I would bet it is still in the box. I have her the child's size. She is not very fast to adapt to change.
Gosh! I really like your new banner. ♥ ;-)
Posted by: | January 16, 2012 at 08:31 AM
Hi Dana, My pink Snuggie is out and getting used. I love the warmth of fleece. With Bob here I am neglecting my computer. He likes to be entertained and we play cards all day. Yikes. He beats me most of the time. I am getting weary of it all. He hasn't mentioned when he will be leaving. He is good company though. He is cooking dinner tonight while we go bowling.
Today is not a Snuggie day. It will be in the 50's but we are getting some snow tonight. Not a lot and it will probably melt during the day. I bought a new wool coat and I haven't worn it yet. A pretty gray and it is a tailored look. Not that I am looking for cold weather. HA!
How is the new grand baby doing? He sure is a cutie. My youngest grand is now a teen. Yikes, where did all those years go???
Happy days to you my dear friend.
Love, Jeanne
Posted by: jeanne | January 17, 2012 at 08:07 AM
Love your photos, especially the puffed up birds. I get puffed up in winter, too--especially around the holidays! Unfortunately, I tend to stay that way all year!
Posted by: Doris | January 24, 2012 at 03:58 AM