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January 04, 2012


Hi Dana, I am so with you about the Hollywood crowd and their outspoken views about our past president Bush and the their liberal views in general. I always wondered why they think they are so 'important' that they should feel 'what they say' is worth more than anyone else. We do not support these actors either. They have the right to say anything they wish of course, just as any American has the freedom of speech, according to the Constitution. However, I refuse to pay money to see their movies. If that is boycotting than that is what we are doing. Some are worse than others about their views, so we consider that and make our judgements accordingly. So much for politics. I have great fear for the politics of our country as they stand now. Only time will tell what America's future holds. We will stand up and vote and that is all we can do under the circumstances.

Well now that I am off my bandstand, this movie sounds awesome. I'm glad you and Bonnie found time to do something for fun together after the very busy Christmas you had. I hope you are getting rested up and ready to take on 2012. I sure am.

Blessings to you and your family,
Love, Jeanne

I am looking forward to seeing that movie!

Uh oh - my bff felt that movie was just "okay" and now my bbf says it's a favorite. What to do? Maybe I'll just watch it on t.v. She said it was billed as a comedy? but thought it was depressing. Can't remember what GC did or said but at one point I was "boycotting" him! Lucky for me I never remember things so I can watch most everyone...except Letterman who I really liked but got sick of his rudeness to Republicans and remarks about Bush yet Obama walks on water. Sean Penn - idiot. Oprah? I like her but boy she dropped Hillary like a hot potato to support Obama - so much for the "sisterhood!" I know one thing though, I have a feeling whoever wins the Presidency this year will not make me happy. Apathy - that's what I have towards them all right now. And yes, I think it does make a difference to boycott these Hollywood folks. and banks. and...like Rick Perry I can't remember the third thing.
xoxo Nancy - fellow boycotter.

Dana, I definitely agree that you should act on those things for which you have a strong feeling. I think one of the major problems in our country is complacency.

On the other hand, I confess that I can't boycott gazing upon George Clooney. That would be almost as hard as depriving myself of Hugh Jackman.

George is an attractive man and I'll probably see the movie when it comes to TW On Demand Movies. I agree that the public does tend to put Hollywood actors on a pedestal- they have their craft, but does that make them authorities on politics? I think not~ Just because they are in the public eye doesn't give them any more credibility and they certainly are NOT influencing me at all!
BTW- Silly rabbit.......

George doesn't even have to talk. He could be in silent movies and it wouldn't matter to me, lol.
I don't watch any T.V. ok maybe the Bachelor, but not this season, just plain yuck. i like the Apprentice, but that's about it. Randy and I watch a lot of movies. No commercials. I think that's what kills us.
I'll wait to see this one on Netflix.
I agree with you 100% Dana.

Great post!

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