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May 21, 2012


LOL Oh Dana, I do hope that you're around to see that beauty graduate in 2025-26. Thanks for clarifying about the color of her teeth. {chuckle}

We had two of our seven grandchildren graduate from college this year. Our youngest is fourteen, so we have a few more years to dream of witnessing his graduation. Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday.

Hi Dana
How sweet our little grandbabies are...cute picture as well. I'm glad the stone rabbit was able to reassure of your chill. I know what you mean...have a blessed day.
I'm having a GIVEAWAY...come by and visit..

Hi Dana, Your BM post is precious. Let me tell you our granddaughter Ashley is graduating from HS in 2014 and it gives me a chill too. Our two oldest grandsons are in college and one is married. Yikes! Where does the time go?

I adore the self portrait. She sure got her beautiful red hair and few freckles right. AND, her darling blue eyes. I adore the pics you sent me Dana. I am so looking forward to grandkids week this year. I am missing them.

I love, love, love your blue today.
Love to you too,

PS: Let me know if it is bad timing when we will be in MO in June.

Gosh you look at those dates off in the future, and it would certainly send a chill down your spine.
LOVE that picture. It is a keeper.........needs to go in a frame and put on the wall.
I love childrens art.

Well, a very Happy Blue Monday to you, Ms. Dana. And, I can't imagine a blue post to love more than this one about your precious grandgirl.♥♥♥

Happy Blue Monday! My granddaughter finished Kindergarten this year! I guess that will make her the class of 2024. Looking at that way does feel very strange. I hope to be around for that too as well. I hope all is well with you!


That was cute and funny:) Congrats to all the graduates..

Visiting for Blue Monday- hope you can stop by:)


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