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June 25, 2012


Whew! That is a shocker. I guess it will be a reality for me to one day. At least I hope it will.

Happy Blue Monday, Dana.

I ask the same rhetorical question: where did the time go! I love your rabbit and your sense of humor

I'm only 35, so I don't know where your years went. However, my daughter is 52 and my son is 47. (Don't you wish that you could do my kinda math?)

Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Dana.

Be thankful you love to draw it. You earned it. In the years to come the younger generation may not be that fortunate. I look forward to my check every month.

Well this November I will be receiving this VERY envelope. I'm just hoping I will be saving money. Have a better week.

Who is the Stone Rabbit's plastic surgery- not a wrinkle or a sag on that bunny. Hasn't aged a day since I started reading your post a while back.
You're in terrific shape ( except hand) with all your running

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