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August 02, 2012


hahaha It looks like a Rugrat! That's so cute. Are they still popular - that would be so cute for a party for a kid. What a sweet neighbor and isn't it great to get a surprise like that out of the blue. Love, love, love watermelon and it's on my diet. (I'm eating gluten free now). I hope you had a fabulous birthday yesterday. Did you do your "bloat and float?" Sounds like so much fun. xoxo Nancy

Love watermelon! enjoy it...hope you had a great birthday!!

I love it Dana!! And I love watermelon.:-)

Now that is a great neighbor. Mine are good to me, but never buy me fresh produce. I think it is great. Just appreciate him and enjoy what he shares.

Just seeing the thumbnail of this post over at Beverly's made me smile! Then I smiled even more to learn that you have such a wonderful neighbor. Our little hometown is no longer a community as no two families living next to each other even speak the same language so there is hardly any communication at all. I miss that neighborly generosity and friendship.
Now that you've mentioned peaches I think I need to take a trip to the produce market. My mouth is watering!

Cute! Happy Pink, Dana ~ Sarah

Oh I love the sunnies! Made me giggle.

HAHAHAHahahahahahaha! that stone rabbit is such a card! your watermelon is so cute ... how could you possibly eat him? (i wouldn't have any trouble ... nope, no trouble at all!) :)

That's "a hoot" if I can still use that phrase. I had seen you link when I was posting mine and knew it'd be a good story - better than I expected too! Great story and so glad it "popped" some joy into your day-that-needed-it. Little things can be amazingly pleasant, can't they! Enjoyed my laugh and the popping of laughter into my day too! Happy Pink Saturday!

Hi Dana, We have been running errands like crazy this morning. And...I did Christmas shopping. Yahoo!!! NC has one weekend a year with no taxes to be paid in retail Today I saved $20. in taxes. I bought almost all of my Christmas gifts. ON SALE and 20% off in more savings. I saved a minimum of $200 by buying today with the summer close outs. Oh happy me. We have such a large family and my list is long.

Enough of that. I am in love with your sweet neighbor. This watermelon looks delicious. Neighbors like these are a blessing. I'm glad you had some happiness That you can EAT. YUM, I too love a good watermelon. Even the watermelon is happy. Smile. Love the sun glasses and the popping smile. I know you are a wonderful neighbor as well my dear friend.

I mailed your journal to Beverly. I'm glad you liked my pages. It was harder than I thought but very much a feel good theme. I think you looked pretty Dana. My photo was taken when Claudie was here in April. There was too much light but such is life. I am really getting excited to see my journal finished. As I looked through your journal, it looked so terrific. this Circle Journal project has been so much fun. I do Grace's next.

Happy weekend to you and yours. You are always in my prayers for all you are going through.

Love, Jeanne xoxoxo

Love your happy watermelon and bunny with the cool shades. Too funny!

Happy Pink Saturday, Dana. I know, I know. I'm late, but I did finally make it here.

Your melon made me smile the minute I saw it. I've got a great neighbor, too. She brought over homemade peach cobbler for my birthday.

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