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September 21, 2012


Glad to see you back blogging on here, Stone. It is your blog after all and lately it's been all about "Dana". All that crafting, and running and wah wah wah it's too hot in Missouri. You sure are loyal guy but maybe having a pink cupcake thrown your way occasionally makes it all worth it. Tell Dana I hope she sells out at the sale - except for that basket. xo Nancy

Well dang, she can't sell that basket right out from under you...CAN SHE????
What a fun pink dresser, that would look great in some young teenagers room I think.

What a great friend you are doing her post. She sent you some neat things. That is definitely a pink dresser.

Great pink vanity! So cool...a teen would LOVE it! Or maybe even a grown up lady like me! :0) Hope you sold lots at the fleamarket!

That vanity set is gorgeous! I love it. thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday...I hope you'll drop by to visit with me sometime.

ciao bella
Creative Carmelina

I love the little vanity and mirror...round mirrors are so cool! Smiles, Maria

Hey Rabbit and Dana, It's Monday morning so I think Dana may be home now. Hope she brought that basket back for you! That dresser is really really pink isn't it? Wish I could have gone to the Flea show to see it in person! HPS and a glorious week to you both...although late. xoxoxo

Awwww, Dana did you sell the basket? I hope you sold lots of things. I know you worked real hard getting ready. Don;t worry Stone fella. I bet your mistress has more baskets.

Love, Jeanne

Oops. I thought the basket was a separate post and now I realize it wasn't. Don't mind me I have been running the roads and just now I am taking some time to visit my PS blogging friends. Of course, you are so much more than a PS friend and I hate that I didn't visit until today. Like you our weekend was soooo busy. Beverly and I will have our visit 'this' coming weekend. We had to change our dates because this was the only weekend our grands could be here. Then Beverly's cousin's husband died so it is much better that we waited until later this week. Tomorrow is our bowling competition and I am so hoping I won't embarrass myself. HA!

The pink dresser is a winner. I bet she sold it right away. I'm glad your sale wasn't a bad one. We always hope for more to warrant the hard work it takes to get ready. My sisters left to for the big show 'Roundtop' in Texas. They will be gone for two weeks.
They usually do very well.

I hope you are getting rested up Dana.

Love, Jeanne

PS, My great niece is attending Missou and she is in the band. She is a freshman this year. Her pic in her band uniform is on my FB. Big smile here.

That is a beauty there. I like your vanity..

Visiting from PS- hope you can stop by..


Okay, this is just too weird. I remember typing a comment about that pink dresser, but it isn't here. Is it the blog black hole or is it my brain?

Anyway, Happy Belated Pink Saturday, Dana - and TSR. I am glad you were pleased with your sale. I always think you are great.♥

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