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September 28, 2012


Wow - what a haul. And it's perfect weather for garage saling. I'm really liking that ice cream bucket. I'm trying not to get anything for a while. We're closing the Roost on Monday and will reopen it in a booth adjacent to Oodles at the other mall but not until November. So my stacked up house will be super stacked as of next week.
If I had little grandkids they would need a tetanus shot to come here so you're way ahead of me. Two friends have told me that their doctors are advising the parents and grandparents of babies to get pertussis shots! Have you heard that?
Well - I'm in full Friday Football mode. We just bought giant purple slickers for tonight - 40% chance of rain - but who cares when your grandson is playing?!!! Have fun and I hope you find a ton of bargains on your junkin jaunt! xoxo Nancy

It looks more like you visited an antique store than a garage sale! I am going out tomorrow. The weather is really great and I think there will be lots of offerings out there! Soon the weather won't be so good here and then it is a looooong wait 'til spring and garage sales!
♥ Jil

You picked the right day for shopping. Love all your finds. Great buys.

Hi Dana, I finished my post late but it is done.

I love your great treasures you found. The printer's tray is really neat and a real bargain. I can see you lean towards primitives.My DIL does too. I am sure the owner had no clue as to the value of the printers tray. The ice cream bucket reminds me of all the ice cream we made on the farm. Sunday we had lots of family come to the farm because the farm is where they were all raised. Card games, fun times and "homemade ice cream." When we moved away from the farm and went to Fl. I was mad at my dad for a long time. I finally got over it. HA!

We are having a great visit. It is raining here and we had a lightening strike that sounded like a gun went off. Yikes. Beverly screamed. No obvious damage though.

We will head home on Sunday. I am anxious to get home because we have been gone a week today. I have a garden club meeting on Monday to prepare for and it involves lots of time.

I'm glad you are having nice weather Dana. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

Happy weekend. I hope you can relax and rest up after last weekend.

Love, Jeanne

Very nice!
Happy Pink Sat!
Enjoy your weekend.


Great finds, Dana.

Happy Fall to you...



Dana I love the tray and the baskets are awesome! Hard not to keep everything isn't it! Poor Stone Rabbit....choosing is hard! hugs, Linda

I love baskets. I get it. And ice cream thingy . . . neat.
Thinking about you and Frankie, just wanted you to know. I went and found your latest post on losing him . . . like you said 'time is your friend'. Reading your other post made me think about when we lost our Golden and how we didn't plan on adding anyone else to our family of pets, but our current Dog Dude showed up to adopt us very soon thereafter. I didn't think I was ready but he kind of bridged the gap. I found myself telling him the other day that I never thought another dog would win my heart - especially one with as many issues as he has. But, he has. Blew me away when I realized that. And, I guess his issues were a huge distraction then too. He's been with us five years now. Can't believe that.
Enjoyed your current pink post - love that pink sticker! (And the print tray! How cool!)
Take care and time . . . Jenn

What fun! And what a delightful dilemma for the Stone Rabbit! My grandkids would completely sympathize with him, coz I sometimes make (try to) them weed out too many toys and books at grandma's house. :) And YES - I'm in the midst of a fun fall - autumn BLISS. Isn't it grand! Have a blessed week.

You have found some quality items!

Popped in from HSTS Pink Saturday.


love your treasures.. I need a good day out!!

Terrific finds! The Stone Rabbit is lucky you found that new basket for him! Oh, how I wish our fall weather would arrive. Instead, a great big heatwave is here - in the 90's from now until Wednesday. You and The Stone Rabbit can enjoy some cooler temps for me!

Look at you!
Quite the treasure hunter!! Happy PS!!

Kay Ellen

Happy very, very, very belated Pink Saturday.♥ Good thing you love me anyway.

What a haul you made. I have some really cool baskets that you would love. I wish we lived closer.

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