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March 29, 2013


Oh, they're all so lovely! What a talented group of ladies you all are!
Have a wonderful Easter!

A sweet group of tags. This is a fun idea. I'm sure each of you find joy in creating and receiving.
Happy Easter!

Oh my goodness...your tag came today. It is a ma zing! It must have taken you forever to make. I absolutely love it and will get pictures tomorrow. No, no allergies here. I love kitties and will match your kitty fur with sheltie hair any day. I've been busy with wedding projects and have neglected my WWF games! We're having the family for Easter dinner - I emptied a china cabinet to the dining room table so Jeff could finish tearing the stuff off the wall. Since we're painting the china cabinet I don't want to put the stuff back in so maybe we'll just eat outside. Good thing they all have low expectations from me lately! Are you having your kids for Easter? Blessings to you and your family, Dana. xoxo Nancy

I love to stop by and see your tags from these swaps. Yours is adorable as is all the ones you got....do you put them all together for a little book?
Happy Easter.....!!

Great seeing all of the tags, Dana! I hope you get mine soon and I'm the lookout for yours! Hasn't this been fun! :) Hi Stone!
Be a sweetie,

Oh my gosh Dana, your tags are lovely. I am sure yours will come tomorrow. After all you were completely involved with your show last week. I am very worried that you haven't received mine yet. I hope it isn't lost in the mail somehow. It has been a thrill going to the mailbox each day. I remember when a letter from a loved one was such a treat.

Your display of the tags is lovely. Most of all, your description of each card and blog friend is so inspiring. You do have a way with words. A lovely way!

I am falling asleep writing this. HA! I will give up and go to bed.
Goodnight my sweet friend. I am so glad we were able to get to know each other.
Have a wonderful Easter with loved ones all around you Dana.

Blessings and love,

What lovely tags you made and received! I love to see all the talent out there in blog land! Happy Easter!

All the tags are really pretty. Bet you had fun doing yours.
xo bj

Hi Dana, I was hoping you received my tag for your today. I just do not understand why. It hasn't been returned so it is out there somewhere. I really love the tags you made for all of us. No wonder you have such great things to sell at your shows. You have a talent for creating lovely things.

I've been thinking about the fun we have doing these creative projects. I do not have much talent in the creative area but I really enjoy it anyway. I'm learning from my circle journal friends.

I hope all is well in your life right now. I know your running is so much a part of your life. It is wonderful for you. I really enjoy hearing about your experiences you have in your running world. Kudos to you my sweet friend.
it's late so goodnight for now.

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