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October 18, 2013


Congratulations on this final post before your goal run. I know you can do this. Love you friend!!

You have worked so hard, and now it is time. Go, Dana.

Cheering you on from Dallas! Go, Dana, go!!

I am thinking of you! I hope you did well and that it wasn't too cold! I say this every time...you amaze me! I wish I had your dedication to exercise that you have to running! God Bless!
♥ Jil

Best of luck!! I've never gotten up that early for a run. Only to deliver papers...do a shift at work...haha! Your goal coming to fruit is sweet indeed!

Dana, I am sure you will be awesome on your run. Your devotion to this half marathon has been outstanding. I wish you so much luck tomorrow, including your terrific running buddies. I love your photos and your menu of healthy eating. You look fab!!!

This is short as it is past bedtime and we have company. I am cooking for 21 people tomorrow. Tired, but enjoying the camera club this weekend.

I know you will have a great run.
Love you much,

Go Girl Go Pink!! I decided today I will "try" to start running again. Well more like walk...walk...run..walk lol Eventually I will get it I know and should just think of getting through today not tomorrow. You inspire me thank you! Happy Pink Saturday Grace xoox

Congratulations on getting get to this part of the marathon with her friends.
It will be a keepsake forever and who knows what next year has to schedule another.
In my city we have many hills, have steep slopes, which make it very difficult walking and jogging, but still will leave on Sunday to go together.
Vasinhos Coloridos

HI Dana! It's been forever since I participated in Pink Saturday! You've dropped by my blog before...but I didn't realize we were neighbors!!!

So, a huge congrats to you on completing the KC (1/2) Marathon!!! I'm so happy for you. One year ago, I was planning on running my first half-marathon in KC...but a nagging injury that required surgery prevented me. I thought it would be so cool to run 13 in 2013, but I guess it will have to be 13 in 14! LOL (I had chronic plantar fascia-itis and had a gastrocnemius (calf-lengthening surgery) performed.) It totally worked!!! Only like 1-2 percent of cases are ever so severe that they require surgery, but I've struggle with my feet and heels for years...probably from all my years standing on my feet teaching. ANYWAY, I fell off the workout wagon...and couldn't seem to get myself motivated until a few months ago. It was bittersweet to watch all the coverage today...BUT...I can walk like a normal human being again. I need to start walking though before I can get back into running.

Sorry so long...but I had no idea we were neighbors!

Again, congrats to you!!! Can't wait to see your pics!

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