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November 01, 2013


Dana - those grands couldn't be cuter!!! Did you make the shark costumes. Just love the theme and hey - great idea on the mustaches! Love the pink pumpkin...I love about anything velvet pink or not! Did you trick or treat as Minnie? If you got a lot of candy send it to me. haha We had no trick or treaters this year. Not even the neighbor kids. They must be too old. Have a wonderful week. xoxo Nancy

A fine Minnie and a fine Nana you are. It all looks like fun for you and TSR, too.

Happy Pink Saturday, Pinkie Minnie.♥

Hi Dana, What a cute pink pumpkin! Happy Pink Saturday. I hope you have a lovely Fall weekend! -Marti

What a darling theme for your grandkids, they look so adorable. Just can't keep you down--you gotta keep on running and that's GREAT.
I walked with my grandkids too--so much fun.

Love the pink pumpkin! Cute mermaid and sharks :) Happy Pink Saturday!

The grand kids looked so cute! I'm glad you got to spend time with them.

Hi Dana! I can't believe how much energy you have! Good for you....I've always been impressed with your marathons.

Hope you had a fun Halloween (looks like you did) and that pumpkin is just somethin! How sweet!

Have a great weekend,

So fun EVen though my life is soooo pink I do not have a pretty pink pumpkin! Lucky you

Sweet pink pumpkin! I'm a fan of the velvet pumpkins, but don't have a pink one.
Cute little grands all dressed up for Halloween. Is that snow on the porch?

What fun! The grands are adorable in their costumes - what super costumes too! Congrats on the run! I'm impressed! Happy pink Saturday!

Happy Pik Saturday!! I love love love....did I mention I love that Pink pumpkin? Beautiful. Your grands are sooooo cute Glad everyone had a wonderful Halloween and you had another wonderful run Grace xoox

Hi Dana, We lost our game against GA today by 3 points. I heard that Mizzou was rooting for Ga to beat us. Something about a tie breaker. Mizzou is doing so well. I am happy for you. For the gators ...not so happy. HA!

Your darling little grands look adorable as always. You are so blessed to be near them in their growing up years. We lived near 6 of our grands during those times and saw them trick or treat for many years. We had awesome times with them in our home in Kissimmee. I miss them and those many years watching them grow up. Now they are all young adults and we are so proud of each of them.

Yes, we do love the velvet pink pumpkins. The difference is...yours was given to you and mine are from Pinterest and just a dream to own one. HA! What a sweet friend you have that gave you yours.

I bet a fiveK is a piece of cake to run now Dana. You and your running friends look so cute in your costumes. Love it.

It's late and I am going to say goodnight.
Love, Jeanne

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