« Pink Saturday . . . An Early Morning Autumnal Run . . .our longest run. . .EVER!!!! | Main | It's Time to Light Up Those Plastic Pumpkins!! »

October 04, 2013


I love them have in my travel bag for when I travel with 2 of my friends who snore really bad and they work and are Pink lol. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday Grace xoox

Hmm...I could use some of those myself at times. Happy Pink Saturday, Dana -and TSR, too.♥

Hi Dana, I have never worn them because when I go to sleep I hear nothing. It helps that we live in the mountains and not in a neighborhood. It is very QUIET here at all times. If a car goes by we say, "Who is that?" BIG smile here. We love the beautiful mountains and the quiet so much. However, when we visit anyone and Cheri' hears the normal sounds of a busy house such has our children's homes, she barks her head off. Goodbye quiet.

When Bill mows the lawn he wears ear plugs. Good thing because he has hearing loss as it is. Yikes.

We are in Florida for another Gator football game. Tomorrow is Ashley's birthday and we will help her celebrate being 19 at the game. Fun times for Ashley for sure. She is loving college so much. Our youngest grandson is 15 today. I'll be 74 the 20th. This is a busy birthday month. How did I get so old? HA!

Good luck with your 10K coming up Dana. I know you are ready for it. You sure have worked your endurance up for the challenge. Be safe and drink lots of water. I know you and your dear running friends must be so excited now that it is close to the day.

Where are you going on your road trip? Did you get everything done that you were working on. I wish I could be a little birdie and fly away to share your fun. Make ots of money. Smile.
Love and hugs

What an interesting find. I had not seen them. However, I do not need them as I do not hear well anyway.

Have a fun trip!

Hi Dana,
I think Rabbit would be more comfy with Earmuffs...HEHE

Now that's a new one....Rabbit Ear Plugs! Cute post...have fun on your trip and sleep well!!!

Sue CollectInTexas BlogShop

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