My husband was better at taking care of a newborn that I was.
When I was afraid of handling a new situation. . .he didn't hesitate.
He was totally crazy about our children from the moment they were born. . .and he still is thirty some years later.
He loved to take them places that I would NEVER have dreamed of doing and in the end, it usually turned out to be a good thing.
He was hands on from the get go.
He was a diaper changer and a bottle washer and game player and, well you name it, he just was a great father.
So. . .I wasnt' surprised that when he became a grandfather he was a great grandfather, too.
It was his idea to take our little 3 yr. old Grand Girl to see the Wizard of Oz exhibit. I was certain it would scare her to death and we would forever be the ones that were the causes of nightmares.
However, she LOVED it. She loved it so much that her mama gave her a Wizard of Oz birthday party. . .and her bedroom is decorated in a Wizard of Oz theme. In the photo below, we had just seen the exhibit and he had her outside playing around the fountains before we had lunch.
He was great at feeding our own little babies. . .and he didn't lose his touch. He enjoyed "spooning it in" to those little grand-babies.
He was actually the one who was more "into" going to the tree farm to get our Christmas trees when our kids were little. Maybe it was his interest in this adventure that spurred our son to want his kiddos to have the same experience.
This is one of my favorite "tree farm" pictures. Our son is on the right with his middle child in between!
He is a "nature guy" and always enjoyed exposing our kids to the outdoors and what it had to offer. He loves doing that with his grandkiddos, too.
Another picture at the tree farm shows him and the Grand Girl looking at little fish in the stream.
Here the Grand Girl and Grand Boy #1 were checking out the pond at the tree farm.
We welcomed our third grand child into this world 2 1/2 years ago. Here he is holding that baby while his big sister checks him out. Our son is just like his dad, they both just LOVE little babies.
Yes, he is a really great dad who set a lot of really good examples for our children and he's a fantastic grandpa.
He loves those little ones and. . .
and they love him!!
We are a lucky, lucky family to have him. . .and I hope he has a great Father's Day because he IS a great father and grandfather!!
THE STONE RABBIT shared that his daddy was a very hands on kinda dad, too. He loved it when his dad would come home from work and spend some time frolicking in the yard with him and the rest of his siblings. . . .such great memories!
Please visit Beverly's blog HOW SWEET THE SOUND. You will find a lot of other bloggers who are ready to share their Father's Day posts with you this weekend!!
Beautiful post for the men in your life Dana :) Have a great weekend!
Posted by: Miss Rhea | June 14, 2014 at 11:14 AM
Nothing you wrote surprises me in the least but it is so nice to see a great dad recognized and appreciated. Thanks Dana for sharing.
Posted by: Michelle | June 14, 2014 at 03:56 PM
Wonderful family pictures and stories. Thank you for sharing. Love the picture of TSR and 'pops' picture. I always leave here with a smile! Angels to you and TSR
Posted by: Susan | June 14, 2014 at 05:28 PM
You have some fantastic memories from when your hubby taking charge and keeping up the tradition. He looks like a very wonderful grandfather. Blessings to all this Fathers Day.
Posted by: ann | June 15, 2014 at 10:44 AM