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August 22, 2014


I never could make a pie. The crust was the hard part. Your apple looks so tasty.

I am so hungry for a slice of apple pie. Yours looks great.

Well the apples are a shade of pink!!!! The pie looks terrific and delicious. My pie making days are few and far between but pie is still my favorite dessert.

Hi Dana, We were gone all weekend visiting my brother and my SIL Sharon. They live near Winston Salem, NC, but it is 200 miles from our home. We had a wonderful visit. I only have one brother and we see him very seldom so it was a special time.I will post some photos soon.

Your apple pies look delicious. I admit I buy my crust these days. It is good and so much easier. I have been making rhubarb pies lately because I grow it in our lily garden. The apples are a great treat and I would be whipping up some pies and some applesauce for sure. The pink sign works for me. BIG smile here.

Have a wonderful week.

Yes, yes, yes. I know I am late. But, I did finally make it here.

Those apples look pink to me. And, you know you have me wanting a slice of apple pie. I'll be right over. So, if you don't have any left, we will have fun anyway. Happy Pink Saturday, Dana.

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