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January 30, 2015


Clearly it is time for a trip to Big Lots. Of, for some pink cuppycakes.♥

Happy Pink Saturday, dear friend.

They look yummy!

Not a favorite of mine, but they do look tasty.

Well, not the same but they do look good!

I did not know Hostess had made pink cupcakes! I have not seen them before. Alas, it's the story of my life - a day later or a dollar short again! Happy Pink Saturday. I'll be happy to tell Hostess to BRINK BACK PINK CUPCAKES!

I see ambitious bloggers recreating recipes, perhaps this is one to try! I loved all the hostess treats as a kid. My youngest son was at a small college in Kansas two years ago and called me asking for $$! Said he was at a local fair and wanted to try a deep fried twinkie! Eight dollars later he said it was the best ever! LOL!

Here is a link to one of those Kopy Kat recipes:


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