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January 16, 2015


So glad you are thawing. We actually have sunshine today, and we are loving it. It has been cold, rainy and gray for several weeks.

Happy Pink Saturday, Dana and TSR, too, of course.♥

Good for you !!!
I did do walking and got out of it, hope to get back to it
Hope you have a HPS

Keep on running. Really good for you. I must get back to walking. I cannot run or jog.

Since I am in SoCal now, I'm loving the weather every day. I am SO impressed that you are doing this event.

Dana, it is a little sad to see the snow thaw but boy we too are enjoying the warm sunshine. Thank you for sharing with us!

Hello Dana, Yay! the snow is gone. I am glad you have warmed up for your run. I am sure I would have been concerned about running in January too. I am very happy your daughter is running with you or ahead of you. HA! Walking fast is my speed...indoors with my walking tape. Our mountains are not good for walking. Strolling... maybe. Right now, it is still too cold.

Our DIL drinks Keefer (a pro-biotic) and she makes her own. She gave us a start and we have been drinking Keefer smoothies for several months now. It has pretty much eliminated any stomach problems. I think I will do a post about it. Bill just announced he is ready for his smoothie. What timing. HA! It is all I have for breakfast.

Have a great run and stay warm.
Love, Jeanne

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