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February 20, 2015


Oh winter winds, can spring be far behind?

Good morning Dana, This snow is really the first snow of any amount. It melted quite a bit but snowed again last night. Today we are in for an icy mix. I really do not like an icy mix. It will be in the low 40's today. Our drive up to our house is icy. Come on Spring.

I love seeing the robins. It is a good sign Spring isn't far off. Love your attitude check post. I can always depend on you for some great humor. The Stone Rabbit is waiting for his carrots and I bet Twiggy would have a blast chasing those robins.

We are just staying in today. I think I'll make some chicken noodle soup. Thank goodness Bill loves soup as much as I do.

Happy running and Happy Pink Saturday. Did you work Beverly's puzzle? Very pretty.

Love, Jeanne

Loved your post and the originality. We are due icy conditions over the weekend, but no snow.

Good morning, Dana :)

You can always send the snow here! We've had a really mild winter and I'm wondering if it will still snow this April, which is when we always get out biggest snow of the year.

Hopefully you can get out there and run again soon.


I look forward to your and SR's whimsy every week. I am so over this cold weather ( central VA).

Cute, cute post!! I live in Upstate NY so I hear ya!! We are so over it. My husband and I just spent an hour trying to get 2 feet of snow off of our porch roof. I can't see any of my garden friends to even take their attitudes in all of this....they are all buried!!

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