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September 18, 2015


Dana, you are such an inspiration! Congratulations!

Thanks for the walk down memory lane of the Plaza 10K. What you forgot to mention is that you got 3rd place in your age group which is an outstanding accomplishment. You ran an excellent race and I am so proud of you!

I think it is great you and friends can do this. I could never run, but did walk several miles. However, I have gotten out of the habit and do not walk much. Keep it up. I am sure the pink shirts had a lot to do with it.

Well, as I sat here, on my butt eating a French doughnut, I am sooo impressed with your running. Love all the great photos...and, boy, that's a lot of people running. I'd probably either step on the heels of one or be run over, myself..:)

Good Monday morning Dana, We were traveling on Saturday so I haven't had time to comment. We went to Knoxville to visit our oldest daughter who had a hip replacement on Wednesday. She is home and doing very well, Thank goodness.

Today we are in Raleigh, NC visiting our son and to bowl in the State Competition for Senior Games. I hope I bowl well. We head for home tomorrow. Our lives never slow down. Yikes.

Your post is awesome. You are awesome. I too love your finish line photo. Honestly Dana, you look great and very happy. Running is a great thing for you and your friends. All I can say is... keep it going!!!

I still speed walk to Leslie Sansone in front of our TV. My sister Caralie walks with me. It is a three mile very fast walk and we are sweat hogs when we are done. It feels so good. We are both losing inches and gaining muscle strength. I really need that after being on prednizone for 1&1/2 years for severe muscle pain. Also, losing over 15 lbs. after getting off the meds. Life is good. I have lots of energy. Yay!

Have a wonderful week.
Love, Jeanne

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