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October 30, 2015


Your pumpkin bag outfits are great! Congrats of the first two games of the WS! Looks like the Mets are going to take game 3 but it's a rare thing to sweep a series. Love Izzy's fall coat! My little Chloe hasn't needed a coat for a couple of years now. If we actually get a cold, rainy winter this year I'm not sure how she will take to her yellow rain slicker! Have a great weekend!

Good morning Dana, I am up early this morning...In France it is early afternoon. We are in Florida for a visit with two of our daughters and a big rival game with the GA. Bulldogs. This game is held in Jacksonville where one of our daughters lives. The time change is a killer. We were only home one day before heading South for a Gator game. Talk about firsts...this is our first game to attend this year and this game over 52 years ago was our first date. Where did all the years go.

Your post made me smile and we too are happy the Royals are in the World Series again. Go Royals!!! Our Kansas family is over the top excited. I hope their next game is a win. The Mets are a good team as well.

You are inspiring with your running passion to say the least. I enjoy reading about your running events and I can picture you and your friends directing traffic etc. HA! The Halloween sacks are fun.

Izzy and Twiggy are adorable as always. Love the new coat. We need to get one for Cheri'. Little Twiggy is a hoot rolling up your kitchen rug. Cats can be so entertaining.

Have a great weekend. I have missed blogging and it is good to be back.


Happy Pink Saturday, Dana. Better late than never?♥ We all know now that your Royals did it. World Series Champions!!!

This post is being featured on my Pink Saturday this week as "the one with the most clicks".

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