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October 09, 2015


I am sure you will have a successful event. You've worked many long hours using your outstanding creative skills to have "stock" for your booth. Can't wait to hear how it went.

From what you have shared in the past and your creative mind, you will do just fine.

Yep--I'm in the crafting buzz, too! And more--too many writing deadlines and two fundraisers for my new book. But, no fall season is complete without some craft shows and some of my own goodies to sell there. Love the atmosphere and seeing other creatives wares. I'm doing collage tags for gifts or as bookmarks plus my floral frill hair clips and some vintage things. Plus, my book, of course!

Your scarecrow is adorable. I know your booth will sell out. Have fun!

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Dana. I hope you are having success with your show. We are having a garage sale this weekend, and it is so-so.

If you're selling that cute pumpkin and scarecrow, I'm sure you'll have a successful day at the craft show!!!

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