My friend Bonnie knows how much I love funeral baskets.
My friend Bonnie knows I only love certain kinds of funeral baskets. While these, seen at the Strawberry Festival at the Vaile Mansion, in Independence, Missouri, last summer were wonderful, my friend Bonnie knows they would not meet my criteria for purchase.
Noooooooooo---my friend Bonnie knows I don't really love white funeral baskets.
My friend Bonnie knows I only love GREEN funeral baskets, like this beauty we spied at Apple Wagon Antique Mall while on our St. Louis Road Trip last summer!!
My friend Bonnie knows that the GREEN funeral baskets also have to be cheap---that would be my second criteria for purchasing such a treasure!
My friend Bonnie, in cahoots with my friend Marian, spied a GREEN funeral basket at that same Vaile Sale last summer!
It was GREEN---and it was only $5.00---and she SNATCHED it right up----and she KNEW how much I loved them. :(
And do you know what else my friend Bonnie did?
That little sneak, filled that wonderful GREEN and CHEAP funeral basket with a bouquet of her very own zinnias AND presented them to me as part of my birthday present just as we were leaving on our road trip in August!!
Yep. . . . . that's my friend Bonnie. She's always doing nice things for me.
See how great Bonnie's basket fits in with some of my other funeral baskets out on our front porch earlier this Spring?
WEELLLLL-- - - - and here comes the PINK part---I know you were wondering where this was all going! :)
As another part of my birthday gift last summer, my friend Bonnie included this beautiful, shining new gardening tool! Isn't it great that it has inches marked on it? My friend Bonnie knew I needed every little bit of help I can get in the gardening depart. Unlike me, she has extremely green thumbs!!!
I just thought it needed a little touch of PINK to make it perfect. Gees, this PINK SATURDAY thing makes me think about PINK all of the time!!! I guess I could paint the handle PINK but it's CUSHIONED---for the increased comfort of my elder hands.
Even THE STONE RABBIT was impressed with that little trowel. However, he wasn't so sure how long that PINK bow would stay clean. I told him I have lots more PINK ribbon---I can always put a new bow on it!
For more PINK SATURDAY posts, just visit Beverly at HOW SWEET THE SOUND!
Thank you Beverly, for organizing all of us each week!!!